WGPlus (Archive)

Facing a lifetime with mental health issues!
As part of a joint inquiry into children & young people's mental health, the Health and Education Committees found that financial pressures are restricting the provision of mental health services in schools and colleges. The next Government must review the effect of the budget reductions in the education sector, the report adds.
Researched Links:

PC&PE:  Pupils should have more time for well-being, say MPs

Hopefully more joined-up working will help reduce this problem

They deserve ‘special’ care

Children are mentally vulnerable

Good foster care is critical for the emotional development & well-being of a child

Promoting positive well-being for children | The Children's Society

Social & emotional wellbeing for children & young people - NICE

Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre

ONS:  Children's Well-being Measures

Child Well-being | The Equality Trust

A child's guide to the child well-being report - Unicef UK

Promoting children & young people's emotional health & well-being - Gov.uk

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