WGPlus (Archive)

GDPR will soon become a reality

The ICO’s new series of blogs aiming to bust some of the myths that have developed around the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are proving incredibly popular and they are pleased that so many of you are finding them useful.

Here at the ICO, we took the view that it was time to sort the fact from the fiction before the new law comes into effect on 25 May 2018, given some of the misinformation and outright scaremongering out there – some of which, it must be said, seems commercially driven.

Our first two blogs covered the myths surrounding new fining powers and the issue of consent, and this week we want to talk about another widely held misconception – that the new regime is an onerous imposition of unnecessary and costly red tape.

Researched Links:

ICO:  GDPR is an evolution in data protection, not a burdensome revolution

GDPR – sorting the fact from the fiction

Consent is not the ‘silver bullet’ for GDPR compliance

GDPR to be Implemented Through the Data Protection Bill

Rob Luke's Keynote Speech for techUK's 'Will GDPR Change the World?' Event

Businesses warned to prepare with one year until data protection law change

The Brave New World of GDPR

ICO survey shows many councils have work to do to prepare for new data protection law

Statement on extra resources needed by the ICO under GDPR

ICO guidance for consent in the GDPR

GDPR guidance in 2017

Latest Survey: Budget Constraints Are Hurting Public Sector Talent Acquisition - Could AI be the Solution?