General News (Archive)

MoD:  Armed Forces honoured at The Sun Military Awards – (Defence Secretary welcomes deeper security relationship with Germany ~ New navigation radar system for Royal Navy ~ MoD:  Refurbished Chilcomb Ranges improves soldiers’ training experience ~ Defence Secretary announces arrival of new aircraft at RAF Brize Norton)

NHS England widens access to life-extending treatment for prostate cancer – (NHS England to ask military veterans how to improve mental health services ~ NHS Confed responds to the announcement of new NHS Innovation ‘Test Beds’ ~ NHS England:  Consultation on Specialised Services clinical commissioning policies & service specifications ~ Young Carers - Thank you for today ~ NHS projects rise to the Innovation Challenge ~
NHS England:  First NHS hand transplants to be performed this year)

DH:  New NHS apprenticeships – (DH:  Avian flu advice for travellers going to China ~ DH:  Rubella susceptibility screening in pregnancy to end in England ~ DH:  Zika virus: travel advice for pregnant women)

Monitor to strengthen its foundation trust assessment process)

NHS Confed:   CQC consultation is a welcome opportunity for broader local regulation – (NHS Confed:  Commission calls for radical rethink of care for older people ~ LGA response to commission on urgent care for older people)

Welsh NHS Confed comments on waiting times in NHS Wales

CQC:  Neighbourhood Watch to encourage members to share their experiences of care – (CQC:  Adult social care providers encouraged to support nurse revalidation ~ CQC inspectors rate services provided by 2gether NHS Foundation Trust as Good)

Patients Association:  Suppressed NICE safe staffing guidelines suggest hospitals do not have enough nurses – (Patients Association:   - Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP) calls for tax on sugary drinks ~ PA:  NHS 111 failed to diagnose baby suffering from sepsis ~ PA:  Over 8,000 serious incidents reported by mental health trusts in England in 2014/15 ~ PA:  50% increase in the number of patients forced to switch GP surgeries ~ PA:  Cross-party NHS commission holds its first meeting)

EHRC comments on rise in number of deaths of mental health patients

LGA:  Councils respond to World Health Organisation report – (LGA:  Loneliness a major public health concern, say councils)

ScotGov:  Major GP test pilot launched in Inverclyde – (ScotGov:  Funding for breast cancer research ~ ScotGov:  Supporting healthy choices)

WAG:  72% of emergency ambulance calls reached within 8 minutes

STFC:  Anthrax toxin - a new tool in the fight against cancer? – (STFC:  Hartree Centre in £20.4m collaboration)

HO:  Expansion of the UK Registered Traveller service

AJC:  Bristol seminar - Reframing the commissioning of services for child sexual abuse (29 Feb 2016)

Ofsted:  Statement by HM Chief Inspector on the wearing of the full veil in schools

Defra:  Iconic harvest mouse returns to Hampshire village

CLG:  Britain’s best markets announced

Environment Agency:  Springs Road, Misson - environmental permit consultation

TechUK:  Next Mayor of London must place tech at the heart of London’s future

DCMS:  UK risks losing £5m portrait by Rembrandt apprentice

ScotGov:  Energy price transparency – (ScotGov:  Pig protection ~ ScotGov:  Teacher recruitment ~ ScotGov:  Lessons from Auschwitz Project ~ ScotGov:  Climate action ~ £24m boost for Laurencekirk junction ~ ScotGov:  Borders Railway welcomes half a million passengers ~ Electoral Commission to open registration for EU Referendum campaigners)

Electoral Commission:  Campaign launched to encourage people with no fixed address to register to vote ahead of Scottish Parliament election in May

Scottish Secretary to Visit Mozambique to Boost Aberdeen Oil Industry and Promote Links with Scotland

WAG:  Stunning Wales stars in International campaign to celebrate Wales’ Year of Adventure – (WAG:  All Welsh local authorities now out of special measures)

Wales Office:  Stephen Crabb marks contribution of Wales' surviving servicemen of Normandy Landings

LGA update on Housing and Planning Bill – (LGA responds to Government announcement of more funding to tackle rogue landlords ~ Citizens Advice responds to DCLG funding to tackle rogue landlords ~ LGA responds to government roadworks announcement)

TfL:  The future looks bright for rail travel – (TfL:  £200m being invested in bus priority schemes ~ TfL:  Bus schemes get the green light ~ TfL:  20,000th lorry driver completes TfL’s safe urban driving course)

RoSPA launches new course to help improve occupational driving safety

Food Standards Agency:  New members sought for expert novel foods committee

FDA calls on pay review body to act, as evidence shows rising inequality for senior civil servants

EHRC welcomes MPs’ call for Government to help disabled election candidates – (EHRC responds to Court of Appeal ruling that spare room subsidy is discriminatory against victims of domestic violence)

National Archives:  Magna Carta resource wins education award

CCWater responds to Portsmouth Water’s decision to exit non-household retail market

WWF:  South Africa stabilizes rhino poaching as threat spreads across the region

Unicef appeals for £806m for Syria crisis response: alarming figures highlight extent of humanitarian crisis – (Unicef launches £1.96bn humanitarian appeal for children ~ Unicef appeals for US $62m to save the lives of children affected by crises in East Asia and the Pacific)

Ofgem's reply to 'The Daily Mail'

RPA:  Further BPS 2015 payments are made to farmers in England

Arts Council England:  Museum leadership course launches its third year

Natural England:  Pagham coastal spit - planning application to protect housing in West Sussex

ESRC:  New centre to measure the effectiveness of UK energy, water, environment and food policies

WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?