General News (Archive)

MoD:  New helicopter-borne surveillance system for future Royal Navy aircraft carriers revealed – (Development plans for North Luffenham army barracks approved ~ MoD:  Armed Forces Day: one month to go ~ UK & US military test Lightning II jets at sea ~ MoD:  UK forces participate in Allied Shield Baltic exercises)

DfT:  Rail strike, June 2015

Dstl:  Bristow trial develops future protection against hostile UAS

NHS England launches new Medicines Optimisation Dashboard – (NHS England:  In touch: Issue 4 ~ Liaison & Diversion Bulletin: May 2015 ~ NHS England:  Patient safety alert – risk of death or severe harm due to inadvertent injection of skin preparation solution ~ NHS England:  Focus falls on future of NHS111)

Monitor:  Foundation trusts face challenging year as pressures mount

CQC:  NHS trust inspections for October 2015 announced

NHS Confed. responds to Monitor's 2014/15 report on the Performance of the NHS Foundation Trust sector

ScotGov:  Scotland leads the way in IVF treatment – (Local Authority Provisional Outturn & Budget Estimates ~ ScotGov: Farm funding applications)

WAG:  Supersonic goes Superfast - RAF Valley connects to superfast broadband thanks to Superfast Cymru – (Urdd Eisteddfod is a unique celebration of our language & culture)

DCMS: Last chance to stop Cardiff Castle vase leaving UK

Skills Funding Agency:  Find an apprenticeship/traineeship replaces apprenticeship vacancies for candidates

Food Standards Agency:  Campylobacter survey: cumulative results from the full 12 months (Q1 - Q4)

STFC:  UK plays key role in Gravitational Wave Detector launch

Ofgem announces review of markets data – (Ofgem statement on prepayment meters installed under warrant ~ Ofcom outlines next steps for spectrum auction ~ Half of UK homes turn to tablets - in just 5 years)

CBI:  Five reasons for staying in a reformed EU

FSA completes review of animal welfare standards in slaughterhouses

TUC:  Action needed to reduce disability employment gap, says TUC

LGA:  Councils call for Queen's speech to include outright ban on legal highs ~ (LGA responds to IPPR apprenticeships research ~ LGA:  Queen's Speech - Councils comment on schools plans ~ Queen's Speech - Right-to-buy extension must see homes replaced one-for-one ~ LGA call for devolution to all corners of England ~ Queen's Speech - Legal highs ban will enable closure of 'head shops' ~ Queen's Speech - Councils respond to apprenticeships plans ~ LGA:  Queen's Speech - Councils respond to adoption plans)

UNICEF:  Statement on situation in Yemen – (UNICEF:  One month on from first Nepal earthquake, malnutrition a growing threat for children ~ Northeast Nigeria: Alarming spike in suicide attacks involving women & girls ~ UN experts call for the universal ratification & implementation of the Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child ~ UNICEF:  Children face worsening nutrition crisis as South Sudan fighting intensifies)

techUK:  Industry leaders support techUK's public sector priorities for new government – (techUK:  Civil Servants’ Uncertainty over SME Suppliers Risks Delaying IT Adoption ~ UK boards miss 25% target for women directors ~ techUK responds to the 2015 Queen’s Speech ~ In just 5 years, over half of UK homes have a tablet)

TfL protects Taxi & Private Hire trade - combating illegal activity – (TfL:  Taking the wheel to expand car clubs ~ Crime across the transport network at a record low ~ TfL:  Crackdown on touting in the capital ~ TfL:  Record low crime rate on transport network ~ Get on your bike for the London festival)

JRF responds to the Queen's Speech

IEA:  Government must continue to focus on the deficit

IFG - Statement in response to the Queen's Speech, May 2015

CIPD:  Queen's Speech indicates a greater focus on improving productivity but we must look beyond the numbers – (CIPD:  HR professionals to play a key role in Singapore’s public sector transformation

IFS:  Benefit cuts - where might they come from?

FDA:  Redundancy payment cap will have far wider impact than just so-called ‘fat cats’

Natural England:  Site of Special Scientific Interest status for London parks is confirmed – (Natural England:  The nature of flight’ takes off at Yorkshire Air Museum)

May the LifeForce Be With You in new RoSPA volunteer scheme

As ACE launchs new funds, its new Chief Executive calls on government to back culture while promising a funding shift outside of London

Breaking Down the Procurement Act 2023 Guide