General News (Archive)

MoD:  75th Anniversary of the Arctic Convoys to be marked in Liverpool – (MoD:  Daesh clinging to Iraq as UK marks anniversary of operations ~ MoD:  The Sun Military Awards open for nominations ~ Defence Secretary calls on Europe to step up security efforts ~ MoD:  UK strengthens Bulgaria ties to tackle threats ~ MoD:  Veterans & descendants invited to Suez 60th anniversary event ~ Two unknown soldiers from World War 1 honoured as they are finally laid to rest)

Boundary Commission for England:  The first two weeks – an update from the Commission ~ Committee on Standards in Public Life to hold seminar on referendums in the UK

DfE:  Thousands more primary pupils on track to be excellent readers

Cabinet Office:  Civil Service Fast Stream opens to recruit the brightest & best UK graduates

LGA:  Councils' potential £320m bill to convert schools to academies – (LGA:  English tourism can soar under devolution, say councils ~ LGA responds to latest Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards figures)

ScotGov:  Transport Minister sees new £41m station take shape – (ScotGov:  Number of Centenarians in Scotland at Near Record Level ~ ScotGov:  ScotlandsPeople website launched)

WAG:  Brand new Ysgol Bro Teifi officially opened by Education Secretary

Ofsted welcomes 31 new apprentices – (Ofsted:  Take the time to listen to vulnerable children, say inspectorates)

HEFCE:  Understanding the interdisciplinary research environment – (HEFCE:  New National Student Survey to strengthen student engagement and increase student voice)

Environment Agency:  Metaldehyde: Advice for autumn crops – (EA:  Fishy activities reeled in by enforcement team)

Ofcom:  New technology promises a local radio revolution – (Ofcom:  Latest telecoms and pay TV complaints revealed)

Ofcom:  Calling all Android users… join our mobile research project ~ techUK:  Ofcom launches crowdsourced project for better mobile phone services

Ofgem:  Letter to potential buyers of gas distribution network assets

CCW:  Water companies face scrutiny at watchdog meeting – (CCW:  Water industry reveals plans to head off the risk of drought)

Arts Council England:  Online communities watch a creative journey into the history of planet earth

EHRC Scotland:  Scotland’s equality body calls for coordinated leadership to tackle hate crime

CCC: Action underway to prepare for climate change in Scotland but extent of progress hard to assess

ESRC:  Food System Resilience' Programme Coordination Award made to support knowledge exchange & translate research outputs – (ESRC:  Nine in 10 shoppers in England now using their own carrier bags, research reveals)

STFC Computers get to the heart of the matter – (STFC strengthens UK-China research & innovation relationships)

RoSPA response to £5m fine for Alton Towers Smiler accident

FDA:  Appointing Former PM’s Chief of Staff as Paris Ambassador ‘undermines professionalism of Diplomatic Service’, says FDA

TUC: PM must guarantee workers that their rights are safe after Brexit

National Archives:  Latest MI5 files released

New MoU with the CIPD set to strengthen the capabilities of HR professionals in the UK Civil Service

WWF:  New report finds no slow down in tiger trafficking

Unicef:  In Zimbabwe, a sharp rise in children needing assistance as El Niño bites – (Unicef UK response to confirmation of Calais camp demolition ~ Unicef:  Children in Aleppo trapped in “living nightmare”)
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