General News (Archive)

MoD:  Royal Navy in Mediterranean drugs seizure – (UK-led joint force launched to tackle common threats ~ Update: air strikes in Iraq ~ MoD:  Update: air strikes in Iraq & Syria ~ RAF conduct first air strikes in Syria ~ MoD:  Update: air strikes in Iraq & Syria ~ MoD:  British jobs secured through upgrade to nuclear deterrent)

NHS England:  Patient safety alert – The importance of checking vital signs during & after restrictive interventions/manual restraint – (NHS England:  Friends & Family Test Awards 2016 ~ NHS 111 survey reveals callers pleased with the service ~ Jane Cummings looks to the future at this year’s CNO Summit ~ Patients will arrange 10m GP appointments and order 15m repeat prescriptions online this year ~ Clinicians told to embrace digital technology ~ Hundreds of schools to benefit from £3m investment in mental health in schools ~ 75% of CCGs apply for wave one of NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme roll out ~ This most basic of needs)

DH:  Morecambe Bay Investigation - publication of the official record – (DH:  Supporting victims of modern slavery through healthcare services ~ Adult heroin user recovery remains a challenge in England ~ Revealing the quiet revolution of 21st century healthcare)

CQC want to hear from you about how they use your information – (CQC:  NSPCC to encourage children & teenagers to share their care experiences)

Monitor:  Investigation launched at Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust – (Monitor:  Improvements in A&E and financial performance at Kingston Hospital recognised by regulator)

MHRA begins to develop human factors guidance with stakeholders

NAO:  Stocktake of access to general practice in England ~ Patients Association:  Comment on NAO report

DfE:  Hundreds of schools benefit from £3m mental health investment)

ScotGov:  Diabetes in children – (ScotGov:  Blueprint for out-of-hours care ~ Main Report of the National Review Primary Care Out of Hours Services ~ ScotGov:  NHS workforce at record level ~ ScotGov:  Bowel test pilot to enhance early detection of cancer ~ ScotGov:  Pledge for disabled people ~ ScotGov:  Cutting NHS agency staff costs ~ ScotGov:  NHS Scotland’s Chief Executive Annual Report)

Audit Scotland:  Health & social care integration faces major challenges

Wales’ Health Minister calls on UK Government to ban fatty & sugary food adverts on TV before 9pm – (WAG:  Eye health drive to help people from BME backgrounds ~ NHS Wales winter plans in place, says chief executive)

LGA:  Obesity crisis - Councils respond to HoC Health Committee report on obesity – (LGA responds to PAC report on care act reforms increasing cost pressures on councils ~ LGA responds to royal voluntary service report of families supporting older people)

EHRC:  Britain must do more to tackle ‘virus of social isolation’

HM Treasury:  Help to Buy ISA - open yours today

LGA:  Councils' response to BBC public health funerals survey – (LGA: Housing commission launched to investigate new routes to housebuilding)

CLG:  Bishy Road, York named "Britain’s best high street" award

Ofsted:  A nation divided

HEFCE:  The new Prevent duty - Monitoring framework for higher education providers

Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency:  New 16 series registration numbers

ESRC:  Future Research Leaders scheme

SOCITM:  70% of councils tested provide a good or very good parking service online says Better connected

Ofcom:  10 years of community radio in the UK – (Ofcom launches Wi-Fi checker to improve broadband ~ Ofcom’s proposed work programme for 2016/17)

Ofgem announces £62.8m to deliver smarter energy network for consumers

Ofwat welcomes Government review into retail competition for household water services

CCWater welcomes Government plans to explore water competition for households – (CCWater:  New research confirms water debt and affordability remain a huge challenge)

Environment Agency:  Licence dodging angler pays high price for a day’s fishing – (EA:  New £6.6m Albert Dock flood defences completed ~ EA:  Man handed jail term over illegal waste operation ~ EA:  Help track down invasive plant on the Bedford Ouse)

Natural England:  Visits to the great outdoors reach record high, survey reveals – (NE:  Bringing England’s wildlife ‘back from the brink’ of extinction)

TUC:  PM must show leadership at Paris climate talks and keep his promise on low-carbon investment – (TUC publish guide to help end discrimination against disabled workers with invisible impairments ~ New report on zero-hours contracts is not representative, says TUC ~ CIPD: Zero-hours contract employees as happy as permanent, full-time employees)

ScotGov:  First Minister's St Andrew's Day message – (ScotGov:  Be safe online this Christmas ~ ScotGov:  Scottish energy expert appointed to Malawi ~ ScotGov:  82% of people believe that drink driving is unacceptable ~ ScotGov:  New global overview of physical activity)

Scotland Office: UK Government stands by to aid Forth transport crisis

WAG:  Caernarfon Castle to host Weeping Window poppy sculpture – (More than half of Welsh farmers to receive CAP payments in first week ~ WAG:  Pupils from less well off backgrounds are closing the gap with their class mates)

Wales Office:  Alun Cairns takes part in the Takeover Challenge

Electoral Commission invites London Mayoral candidates to support its Code of Conduct for Campaigners

TfL:  Mayor and TfL launch new team to crack down on congestion – (TfL:  Splyt Technologies convicted for operating without a private hire licence ~ Wayfindr launches with major London Underground trial at Euston ~ TfL:  Consultation gets underway on new rail link to Barking Riverside)

RoSPA guide to help prevent workplace accidents

Unicef:  More than 1m children in urgent need of assistance after 3 years of fighting in Central African Republic – (Unicef:  Nepal - Serious shortage of essential supplies threatens millions of children this winter ~ Pioneering Barclays and UNICEF global youth employment programme leaves impressive ongoing legacy, says independent evaluation report ~ Building young futures 4 years on ~ Building Young Futures brochure)

WWF welcomes Unilever’s new commitment – (WWF-UK response to HRH The Prince of Wales’ opening speech to the Paris climate talks)

techUK:  Low carbon innovation gets a huge boost during the first day of climate talks – (techUK:  Warning, no mobile coverage ahead!)

Met Office: COP21 – (Met Office:  Find out how climate action could shape future vulnerability to food insecurity)

Christmas shoppers warned after Border Force seizes counterfeits

BCS puts security front and centre as it achieves BSI ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management

Food Standards Agency:  Asda Cheese Sauce Mix containing allergens mustard and wheat withdrawn – (FSA:  Marks & Spencer recalls its Vegetable Crispbake containing undeclared egg)

Unite: Public Health England labs shake-up continues

UK Space Agency: LISA Pathfinder en route to gravitational wave demonstration

Enhancing Prisoner Rehabilitation: The Role of Serco