MoD: DIO restores much loved Wiltshire monument – (MoD: Tenth Annual Armed Forces Day celebrated across the country ~ MoD: The Defence & National Rehabilitation Centre is gifted to the Nation ~ MoD: Graves of 2 north west soldiers killed in the great war rededicated a century later ~ MoD: New hurricane preparedness plans for British Overseas Territories in Caribbean ~ MoD: New equipment helps crack down on illegal activity on Salisbury Plain )
PC&PE: Ministry of Defence must uphold the Forces' Covenant
LGA responds to Action for Children's 'Revolving Door' report – (LGA: Councils face almost £8bn funding black hole by 2025 ~ PC&PE: No Government plan to secure councils' financial future ~ LGA responds to the Grimsey Review 2 ~ LGA - Councils improve schools faster than academy chains ~ LGA: Rural communities face a post-Brexit 'perfect storm' councils warn )
MHCLG: Government injects £7.5m into council digital agenda with launch of new sector pledge
Children’s Commissioner: Over 2m children in England are growing up in families where there are serious risks, major study reveals
Buckingham Palace: State Visit by The King and Queen of The Netherlands
HMRC: Record number of fake HMRC websites deactivated
Defra: Major flood scheme construction underway
Environment Agency: Households urged to play their part in tackling waste crime – (EA: Company fined £50,000 for environmental offence )
Natural England: Visits to parks on the rise as city dwellers head outdoors
UK Visas & Immigration - New scheme for overseas researchers to come to the UK
Ofsted: Neglected older children missed
STFC: Cataclysmic collision shaped Uranus' evolution – (STFC: Support for space-tech start-ups will strengthen local economies and create more space clusters across the UK )
Innovate UK: Bed bugs project is among 53 business ideas to receive funding
TfL: Double record-breaking months for Santander Cycles – (TfL: Pay as you go fares information added to TfL’s Journey Planner and open data feed ~ TfL: Pride celebrated across the Transport for London network ~ TfL: Changes proposed to Congestion Charge to reduce traffic and improve air quality )
Collaborate: ‘Collaboration research flags gap between ambition and reality’
Arts Council England announces launch of Impact & Insight Toolkit
National Archives: Register for DCDC18 – (NA: Seeking new delegates for The National Archives User Advisory Group )
Met Office: Record breaking June temperature for Scotland
WWF responds to UK Government's plan for Independent Fisheries Policy