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General News (Archive)
Beating Retreat is set to be even more spectacular for 2014
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Reservist vet
Small Staffordshire business designs innovative new clothing for wounded soldiers with MoD funding
UK Defence Secretary in Singapore
Reservists have been conducting joint parachute training alongside their American counterparts on Exercise Airdrop Warrior
RAF Tornado jets 'recce' D-Day beaches
Legislation for the creation of a service complaints ombudsman to protect & support the UK armed forces
Airborne troops study D-Day battlefields
Story of D-Day to be told through Twitter 70 years on
D-Day 70th anniversary: David Cameron's article
Military descend from the skies to mark D-Day 70th anniversary of D-Day
FM joins Welsh veterans in Normandy to commemorate D-Day landings
Policing Minister visits NATO Summit site
Living memorial for Scotland's First World War heroes
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Scottish D-Day heroes commemorated
Part of the Mulberry Floating Harbour Used in the D-Day Landings has been added to the National Heritage List for England as an Ancient Scheduled Monument
TNA: Volunteers needed to help with digitisation of unit war diaries
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Apply for free used microfilm
NCA is urging members of the public to protect themselves against powerful malicious software (malware)
STFC: UK science community to benefit from major cloud computing and storage upgrade
What Works Scotland to drive scale & pace of public service delivery & reform
The process for appointing a new BBC Trust Chair has begun
Stonehenge and a Neolithic World of Interiors
Tax credits claimants reminded to renew it or lose it
TfL seeks new sponsor for iconic Cycle Hire scheme
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TfL introduces Oyster ‘One More Journey’ on London’s buses
Virgin Media and contractor McNicholas fined for unsafe working practices
DfT & TfL publish report setting out options for step free Crossrail
Met Office launches its 'Get Ready for the Great British Summer' web pages
Less than 50 days to go to the XX Commonwealth Games in Glasgow
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Glasgow’s Little Legends welcome 2014 games sporting star
Lottery funding for Edinburgh 2014 games celebrations
Last day in service for the C-stock as modern air-conditioned trains introduced
A fishy taster session
Third series of Da Vinci’s Demons to start filming in Wales this month
Proposed acquisition of Barnet & Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust
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Monitor takes action to fix finances & leadership at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Countdown to National Care Home Open Day on Friday 20 June
Update on preparations for Smart Metering
Researchers celebrated for achieving outstanding impact at ESRC annual event
Socitm refutes criticism of councils for 'wasting millions' by ‘ignoring government IT cloud’
UK government funding for Dundee to London Stansted air link to protect route
New campaign calls on mothers & carers to end Female Genital Mutilation