General News (Archive)

MoD:  UK steps up commitment to countering Daesh – (MoD:  Scottish mine hunter home after 3-year tour ~ Defence Minister announces successful first firings of Sea Ceptor missiles to protect new aircraft carriers ~ MoD:  Aviation support to exercises ~ MoD:  Ambitious future for Naval Shipbuilding in the UK)

Cabinet Office:  Access to elections - Call for Evidence ~ CO:  Minister calls for evidence to improve the accessibility of elections)

DCMS:  Great North Run joins next year’s Great Exhibition of the North – (DCMS:  Birmingham named candidate city for potential UK 2022 Commonwealth Games bid)

CLG:  Launch of the UK’s first plot shop

LGA:  Secondary school places crisis – almost half of councils areas face shortfall in 5 years – (LGA:  'Devolution deadlock' putting economic growth across England at risk ~ LGA responds to Government announcement on lane rental for utility companies ~ LGA responds to latest FGM figures ~ LGA responds to Family & Childcare Trust's School readiness survey ~ LGA responds to TPA report on council fees & charges)

Committee on Standards in Public Life:  Intimidation of Parliamentary candidates: evidence sessions

ScotGov:  Poverty & Inequality Commissioners announced – (ScotGov:  A future in food ~ ScotGov:  Queensferry Crossing officially opens)

WAG:  Thurley Review of Amgueddfa Cymru

Ofqual:  Changes to the publication of geographical breakdowns of data

Environment Agency:  Visitors & wildlife to benefit from East Farleigh lock improvements – (Environment Agency’s work helps canoeists navigate River Stour)

HEFCE:  Research Excellence Framework 2021 - applications invited for sub-panel chairs

STFC:  World's largest x-ray laser facility is now open to users – (STFC:  New UK-China agreement to strengthen space education ~ STFC:  New computational research centre of excellence)

ESRC:  Burglary risk highest for least advantaged groups – (ESRC:  The taxpayer tech dividend: R&D grants provide £43bn economic boost, study finds)

ACE:  Festival of Puppetry explores difference and inclusion – (ACE:  New Annual Festival Launches in Reading)

TfL:  Specialist trains lead the charge against leaf fall on the Piccadilly line – (TfL proposes increase to Penalty Charge Notice fee to improve congestion & road safety)

Met Office:  Earlier budburst linked to warmer springs

TUC: Robots could mean we spend longer in retirement – (TUC: 2 in 5 low-paid mums & dads penalised by bad bosses ~ Better jobs for mums and dads)

FDA:  Government must take “concrete action” to end public sector pay cap

RoSPA’s #OSHtober campaign to focus on manual handling

WWF:  UK homes to take at least 100 years to go fully green – (WWF comments on August new car registrations showing booming EV market)

Unicef:  16m children affected by massive flooding in South Asia, with millions more at risk – (Unicef:  More than 10m children live in countries threatened by Hurricane Irma ~ Unicef:  Nearly zero progress in reducing the global out-of-school rate over the past decade)

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