General News (Archive)

FCO:  Montenegro joins NATO

Northern Ireland Office:  Battle of Messines Ridge Centenary

Electoral Commission:  Polling day questions answered by new social media campaign – (Electoral Commission:  Fourth weekly set of donations & loans to political parties published ahead of General Election)

CCW:  5 simple steps to save water in the garden

FDA union:  In politically uncertain times, the UK relies on its permanent civil service to ensure stability

Thousands gather at Buckingham Palace to celebrate at RoSPA Garden Party

Unicef:  Central African Republic - Thousands of children and families in desperate need of humanitarian assistance as violence escalates – (Unicef:  Unprecedented spread of cholera in Yemen as health workers race against time to save children ~ Unicef:  100,000 children threatened as conflict escalates in west Mosul)

WWF comment:  Renewables 2017: Global Status Report – (WWF:  Mexico commits to critical measures to save ‘Panda Of The Sea’ ~ WWF:  Strong winds & sunshine help power Scotland - New data published)

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan