General News (Archive)

MoD:  British Battle of Jutland sailor killed 100 years ago is finally honoured after his grave site is identified – (MoD:  Britain helps train record number of Afghan Army officers ~ Defence Secretary speaks at Shangri-La Dialogue ~ MoD:  Update: air strikes against Daesh ~ UK peacekeepers arrive in South Sudan ~ Armed Forces Minister praises tireless work of UK military against Daesh ~ Veterans enjoy supper at Lloyd’s)

DCMS:  Nation marks 100 years since great naval battle

NAO:  Service Family Accommodation

Audit Scotland launches survey on early learning and childcare

LGA:  Councils go digital to improve services & save money – (LGA:  Children mistaking dangerous laundry tablets for sweets every day ~ LGA responds to new FGM figures ~ Flood protection: LGA responds to new report by cross-party environmental audit committee)

WAG:  Tourism - making a Mint for Wales – (WAG to illuminate Legends for Euro Championships)

Wales Office:  Secretary of State brews up for Welsh sporting success – with 264,000 pints of beer

Ofsted:  Monitoring local authority children’s services judged inadequate - guidance for inspectors – (Ofsted:  Commentary on social care: June 2016 ~ Ofsted issues warning about education in the East Midlands ~ Ofsted:  HMCI's monthly commentary: June 2016)

techUK:  Ofwat Reforms Package Includes Move Towards Consumer Price Index

Ofcom awards 5 new community radio licences

techUK:  Ofgem decide on DCC's role in developing a Centralised Registration Service

TfL:  Putting tram services on the map – (TfL:  Overground upgrade work started ~ TfL:  Is your buggy transport friendly? ~ TfL:  First signals turn green for the upgrade of the Tube network ~ TfL:  It's all cricket ~ TfL & Twitter launch world’s first travel tweet alerts)

Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) review on teacher shortages

Arts Council England:  Fast Forward to inclusive family festival – (ACE:  Press Play - LIFT hits London ~ ACE:  Cultivating creativity: Children’s Art Week)

UKSA:  LISA Pathfinder exceeds expectations

Natural England:  Open access restriction at Fuller Hill: how to comment - (ACE:  New commissioning round from The Space ~ ACE:  The Space opens its summer commissioning round on Tuesday 14 June)

TUC: 'Sharing economy' must not allow exploitation of workers by distant tax-dodging tech firms – (TUC welcomes U-turn after government drops law letting police spy on unions)

Unicef alarmed at refugee & migrant deaths in the Mediterranean – (Unicef:  Vaccination campaign at risk as fighting intensifies in Syria ~ Unicef calls for protection of the children of Fallujah in Iraq ~ Unicef receives go-ahead to scale up its response to the migration crisis in Greece ~ Unicef:  England win the 2016 Soccer Aid Crown ~ UNICEF, WFP, IOM & WHO “We Came with Nothing, We Have Nothing”: Thousands flee Fallujah as Fighting Intensifies ~ 80% of 18-year-olds believe young people are in danger of online sexual abuse – Unicef/Ipsos global poll ~ Unicef:  Statement on attacks on medical facilities in Syria ~ Unicef: Thailand certified for freeing newborns from HIV)

Hundreds attend the UKHO's World Hydrography Day event

RoSPA:  Put your call on hold – don’t phone or text a loved one or colleague if they are driving – (RoSPA responds to University of Sussex hands-free study)

Food Standards Agency:  Neal's Yard Creamery recalls its 'Hay on Wye' unpasteurised goat's cheese due to the presence of listeria

Rural Payments Agency:  Less than a week left to apply for 2016 BPS

Latest Survey: Budget Constraints Are Hurting Public Sector Talent Acquisition - Could AI be the Solution?