General News (Archive)

MoD:  Defence Secretary witnesses Scottish innovation at its best – (MoD:  Ajax vehicle brings Merthyr Tydfil factory back to life ~ Dstl:  Reporting for duty – a centenary of defence operations at Porton Down ~ MoD:  PM announces UK deployment for NATO mission in Aegean Sea to tackle migrant crisis ~ Army medics move into refurbished homes at Keogh Barracks ~ MoD:  UK beats target for training Ukrainian Armed Forces ~ MoD: 
£175m military communications investment creates new jobs

DCMS:  Tickets released for UK national Somme commemoration in Manchester

Cabinet Office:  Scottish Apprenticeship Week -join the Civil Service

DfE:  UK to host 2017 International Summit on the Teaching Profession – (DfE:  Rise across the country in teenagers studying or training)

Ofsted:  Local areas to get more notice of SEND inspections

Defra:  Environment Secretary salutes Britain's women farmers

CLG:  Boost for aspiring homeowners as planning permissions hit 8-year high – (CLG:  Help to Buy - helping 150,000 own their own home)

ScotGov:  Scholarship success for women in Pakistan – (ScotGov:  Shieldhall Tunnel shapes up ~ ScotGov:  Homelessness prevention plan ~ ScotGov:  A9 Dualling Programme ~ ScotGov:  £406m for affordable homes ~ ScotGov:  £1.5m for STEM subjects)

WAG:  £55,000 Welsh Government funding to secure Gemau Cymru 2016

LGA:  Collaboration & transformation: The hot topics at fire service conference – (LGA Responds to TPA report on councillor allowances)

Ofgem challenges power grid companies to connect more renewables

TfL:  Pay as you go travel with Contactless & Oyster extends to Swanley – (TfL:  Proposals to modernise London’s private hire industry)

ESRC:  Research Councils' response to budget allocations announcement – (ESRC:  Death by bear-baiting! Health & Safety in Tudor England... not gone quite so mad ~ ESRC:  Winner of ESRC 'Focus on Society' photographic competition announced)

HEFCE:  Government to invest record £26.3bn in UK’s world-class science until 2021 – (HEFCE publishes latest key data for English higher education)

Electoral Commission opens applications for EU Referendum lead campaigner designation – (Electoral Commission: Plans to prevent and detect electoral fraud are underway ahead of May elections)

RoSPA:  Family Safety Week 2016 – New statistics highlight dangers to children in the home – (RoSPA project receives cash boost to reduce fall injuries ~ RoSPA:  New guide launched to keep children safe on the road ~ RoSPA:  Keep young children safe from falls during Family Safety Week ~ RoSPA:  Straight Off, Straight Away – campaign to raise awareness of hair straightener burns)

Skills Funding Agency:  Themes & quizzes for National Apprenticeship Week

TUC: Women who become mothers before 33 suffer a 15% pay penalty – (TUC: EU plan to stop bosses exploiting migrants on short-term projects must go further ~ TUC: Zero-hours contracts are bad for working families ~ TUC: New life expectancy figures reveal danger of hiking up the state pension age)

Environment Agency:  Thames Water fined £380,000 for pollution of a rural stream – (EA:  £3m flood defences boost protection in North East)

Arts Council England:  Think you don’t know Shakespeare? Think again

WWF:  EU Vote: The UK’s Leading Conservation bodies call on ‘In’ and ‘Out’ camps to say what they will do for the environment
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