General News (Archive)

MoD:  Defence Secretary discusses security threats with Egyptian President – (MoD:  Corporates urged to remember veterans ~ Defence Secretary welcomes employment pilot for veterans ~ MPs pay respect at Guards Chapel service ~ Post-war wedding film brings generations together for Armistice Day ~ UK Armed Forces lead NATO exercise in the Baltics ~ MoD:  UK-India Defence & International Security Partnership ~ New medical facilities for US Air Force at RAF Croughton)

CLG:  Greg Clark - remember UK war graves too

Wales Office:  Welsh Secretary marks Remembrance Day at The Royal Mint

Demos:  An Invisible Failing - Veterans Need Targeted Support to Rehabilitate & Fulfil their Potential

NHS England:  Winter messages highlighted at Self Care Conference – (NHS England:  Improvements to FFT data submission system for GPs ~ Clinical Entrepreneur training programme will nurture leaders of new innovation culture ~ NHS England clinical commissioning policy on adalimumab for children with uveitis)

DH:  Big data driving earlier cancer diagnosis in England – (Almost half of people who inject drugs unaware they have hepatitis C)

Kings Fund:  Mental health services take a 'leap in the dark' on patient care)

NHS Confederation:  Response to King's Fund on mental health under pressure – (NHS Confederation: Letter to Treasury urges for critical leap of logic in upcoming spending review)

CQC:  Changes to cosmetic surgery

NICE issues first guideline on menopause to stop women suffering in silence ~ NICE:  Women with symptoms of menopause should not suffer in silence

WAG:  New training standards for Wales’ healthcare support workers

ESRC:  Orchestra helps boost confidence & mood for those with dementia – (ESRC:  Pen pal is powerful boost to prisoner wellbeing)

DWP:  Employment rate reaches new record high

Defra:  Technology key to unlocking farming’s potential

BCS introduces RITTech - A new standard for IT Technicians

HEFCE:  Falling surpluses risk sustainability of higher education sector – (HEFCE:  Student protection)

ScotGov:  Planning for the future – (2.2% increase in average private 2-bed rents ~ ScotGov:  Junk food TV advertising ~ ScotGov:  Celebrating science stars)

WAG:  An adventure trail with the new chair of the Tourism Advisory Board – (WAG:  Minister visits Rhyl to open town’s £15m coastal defence works ~ Tourism industry gears up for a successful 2015 as Wales Rally GB gets underway ~ WAG:  Minister launches new Student Parliament and sports facility at Pen Y Dre High)

NIA:  Speaker announces he will not be seeking re-election to the Assembly

LGA:  Councils warn a lack of academy sponsors could hinder education standards – (Businesses should have a say in how much they pay in business rates, say councils ~ Plans to give police more control of firefighters are 'unnecessary & unhelpful', say fire chiefs ~ LGA responds to DCLG savings agreement ahead of the spending review ~ LGA responds to Mind press release about mental health funding ~ LGA responds to scope report 'Disabled people in crisis' ~ LGA responds to Respublica report on care home crisis)

techUK:  Vote Now in techUK's Women in Tech Council Chair Election – (techUK:  Superfast broadband reaches an additional 3.3m UK premises through BDUK)

GDS:  New ministerial group created to drive through digital reforms

Environment Agency:  Penzance community flood risk drop-in – (EA urges people to be ‘flood aware’ in Devon & Cornwall)

Natural England:  Breaking new ground on protecting our waterways

STFC:  UK Neutrino researchers win $3m Breakthrough Prize for Physics – (STFC:  Science goal to double battery life in electric vehicles)

Met Office:  Studying the causes of extreme weather in 2014

UK Space Agency:  UK poised to wave astronaut Tim Peake on his journey to space

Cefas leads the marine "Open Data" revolution

TfL:  UK school children to debate role of women in transport – (TfL wins 2 international road safety awards ~ Tube customers better connected as WiFi reaches 100 more stations ~ Major safety improvements on Westminster Bridge proposed ~ Mayor announces real terms fares freeze & extends free travel for children)

TUC:  Number of commuters spending more than 2 hours travelling to & from work up by 72% in last decade – (TUC: Slave-state Qatar faces ILO investigation ~ Shaw Report must not lead to more privatisation, says TUC)

National Archives:  Thousands of Second World War home front heroes remembered online

English Heritage:  Bolsover Castle station sign discovered

Unicef:  Concern over Iraq cholera outbreak prompts accelerated response – (Children’s lives at stake as El Niño strengthens: Unicef ~ Unicef supports efforts to strengthen protection of conflict-affected children in Libya ~ EU grants €2m to Unicef to meet urgent needs of child refugees & migrants on the move in the Western Balkans)

Arts Council England:  Touring fund awards £2.4m in latest round

FSCS:  Countdown to a new deposit limit in January

IEA:  A teaching assessment tying fees to scores is wrongheaded

Consumer Council for Water:  Be winter wise – wrap up your home

EHRC welcomes race equality in the workplace report

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan