General News (Archive)

MoD:  Defence Minister thanks charity for helping disabled veterans into employment – (MoD:  Hurricane Irma - UK military provides relief to the Caribbean ~ MoD:  DSEI maritime conference 2017 ~ Defence Secretary Keynote Speech at DSEI 2017 – 13 September ~ MoD:  Armed Forces Muslim Personnel Complete Hajj ~ MoD:  UK aid continues to arrive for Hurricane Irma victims ~ MoD:  MOD and Royal College of Art collaborate on cutting-edge new uniform)

DCMS:  ‘Still Water’ to become new national memorial to British victims of terrorism overseas

LGA:  'Residential revolution' needed for England's ageing population – (LGA:  Councils: displaying food hygiene ratings must be made mandatory after Brexit ~ LGA responds to Barnardo's care leavers study ~ LGA responds to National Audit Office report on homelessness)

DfT:  Thousands of commuters to benefit from UK-built river boats with Wi-Fi

WAG:  Youngsters given taste of world class engineering opportunities in Wales

Electoral Commission:  The new generation are confident voters, but call for further modernisation of the registration process

STFC:  Growing human bones using gravitational wave technology

ESRC:  Knowledge & skills needs - Call for evidence

EA carry out water quality tests on Clacton beach – (EA:  Landowners warned to be vigilant of fraudsters)

TfL:  Pilot shows how Wi-Fi data can improve Tube journeys – (TfL:  Statement on Taxify app ~ TfL:  Make a splash at Totally Thames ~ TfL:  Wi-Fi data could transform Tube travel)

RoSPA assesses older drivers for ITV documentary series – (RoSPA:  Event to tackle deaths from drowning)

CCW:  Chance to learn more about ground-breaking drainage project

TUC: Ice beginning to crack on public sector pay – (TUC Poll: 1 in 3 British BAME workers have been bullied, abused or singled out for unfair treatment ~ Minimum wage is leaving younger workers behind, warns TUC)

Unicef:  Up to 75% of children & youth face abuse, exploitation & trafficking on Mediterranean migration routes

WWF Scotland comment:  Offshore wind costs plummeting

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan