General News (Archive)

MoD:  Defence scientists support efforts to defeat Ebola

HM Treasury:  More than a 1m buy popular pensioner bonds

NHS England:  London GP mental health scheme helps hundreds, skills up primary care staff & saves thousands – (NHS England:  Simon Stevens call for bold action to make NHS fit for the future ~ Improving dementia care: CQUINS & Enhanced Services – Professor Alistair Burns ~ Over 55m patients in England can now book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access summary information in their medical record online – according to latest figures ~ NHS England:  Informed: Issue 33)

CQC:  #DoSomethingNew for Dementia Awareness Week – (CQC:  Ombudsman’s report says a lack of recognition and communication are key to poor end of life care ~ CQC:  Survey finds most patients are positive about their hospital care, but many still experience delays when they leave)

NHS Confed. response to the Prime Minister's speech on 7-day working

Monitor:  NHS launches new collaboration to sustain & improve local hospitals

techUK:  Ofcom threaten action to avoid consumer confusion over UHD TV

ScotGov:  World Class Inverness Campus opened – (ScotGov:  Recording Angels ~ ScotGov:  Highest ever mussel production ~ ScotGov:  Perthshire roadshow dates for A9 dualling ~ Scottish Government Permanent Secretary announced ~ Final meeting of Stornoway-Ullapool taskforce)

WAG:  New Mid Wales train services start

LGA sets out alternative proposals to Cities Devolution Bill

Environment Agency:  Work begins in Essex on new internationally important wetland

DCMS:  UK heritage projects awarded nearly £100m

CLG:  Brandon Lewis welcomes housebuilding surge

FSA:  Up to one third of people at risk from campylobacter food poisoning during their lifetime

New CESG Website & legacy document removal

80 Flags designed by primary school pupils present a child’s eye view of the UK fly in Parliament Square

FDA calls on a New Deal for civil servants from the New Government ~ New Government, New Deal)

Ofsted:  Action on school improvement too slow in Suffolk

TfL:  Digital Sign technology extended to more bus stations in London – (TfL:  So much to see by Tube ~ TfL:  Travel for charity ~ Consultation launched on night bus services ~ LU stations with manual boarding ramps up by 50% ~ Close up on river travel ~ Passengers set to benefit as key commuter rail services transfer to TfL)

CBI President's speech to Annual Dinner

Ofcom research on audience attitudes to TV & radio

DEMOS:  PM Cameron to fast-track new legislation to tackle radicalisation

RoSPA: Survey shows huge public support for measures to protect young drivers ~ Some issues remain with us whoever governs – (RoSPA Responds to Police Federation Call for Lower Drink-Drive Limit, May 2015 ~ RoSPA:  Safety First: Stunning vintage posters book marks 100 years of making Britain safer)

CCW:   Low-income households urged not to miss out on reduced water bills

UNICEF:  Children killed, abducted & raped in South Sudan attacks – (Hundreds of children released by armed groups in Central African Republic ~ Tens of thousands of children flee violence in Burundi ~ Unicef and ARM Unleash Technology to Transform Children’s Lives)

National Archives:  William Wallace letter exhibited in Scotland

ACE:  Young south west dancers chosen for prestigious national dance event on home ground – (ACE:  Six Connect! winners announced for new October festival)

TUC:  New poll has no easy answers for Labour but trust and competence key

EHRC welcomes moves to keep people with mental health conditions out of police cells

ESRC:  Shortlist announced for Celebrating Impact Prize recognising 50 years of research making a difference

STFC:  PRD call for applications 2015 – (STFC:  British Triumph)

Ordnance Survey:  Get a paper map and get mobile

BCS:  First teachers receive new Certificate in Computer Science Teaching
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