General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)

ONS:  National Accounts changes - impacts on Sector & Financial Accounts and Balance of Payments – (ONS:  National Accounts changes: impacts on Sector & Financial Accounts and Balance of Payments)

NAO:  Managing the welfare cap

NAO:  The commissioning of specialised services in the NHS

NAO:  Transforming Rehabilitation

LGO issues notice highlighting failings at a Leamington care home

PC&PE:  Government must bridge skills gap to cut staffing costs

PC&PE:  MoD must be subject to Corporate Manslaughter charges, Committee says

PC&PE:  Committee unanimously agrees EU referendum analysis

PC&PE:  Government should accept recommendation on fifth carbon budget

PC&PE:  Government must act now to reduce EU penalties

PC&PE:  Clean Air Zones urged for pollution hotspots, says Committee report ~ LGA responds to EFRA committee report on air pollution

PC&PE:  Vulnerable children turned away from mental health treatment report finds

PC&PE:  Serious questions still to be answered on extending right to buy

LGA:  Councils respond to Education Committee report on mental health of looked-after children

CLG:  Local Council Tax support schemes: an independent review

ScotGov:  Salmon & Sea Trout Fishery Statistics 2015 Season – (ScotGov:  Scottish Welfare Fund - £24.5m spent during April to December 2015 ~ Scotland’s population at its highest ever)

Land Registry:  March 2016 Market Trend Data

IFG:  New project on tax policy-making

RUSI:  Money Laundering: RUSI & PwC collaborate on review of the impact of the UK’s AML and CTF regulations – (RUSI:  Northern Ireland’s Delicate Peace Process at Risk Should the UK Leave the EU)

Migration Watch:  Net migration from the EU may have been undercounted by 50,000 a year

JRF:  1.25m people are destitute in the UK

NLGN:  Emphasising social value puts people at the heart of local government commissioning

IEA:  Privatise the BBC commercially

IFG:  Statement in response to the Review of the Classification of Public Bodies

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan