General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)

NAO:  Financial sustainability of police forces in England & Wales – (NAO:  Welfare reform – lessons learned)

Wales Audit Office:  Foundations are being laid for regional school improvement services in Wales

HMRC:  Tax credits error & fraud reduced to an all-time low

NO:  Vulnerable woman who had both legs amputated, wrongly forced to fund her own care, receives £27,000

ScotGov:  Lowest female unemployment in Europe – (New report outlines need for fairer social security system ~ ScotGov:  £1m to develop early years workforce - Independent review of early learning & childcare workforce published ~ ScotGov:  New figures show Scottish Government on track to reach 2016 affordable homes target)

Wales Audit Office:  Newport Council showing improvement in some key areas

WWF:  Tackling climate change - investors can play a key role

CSJ:  Radical Centre for Social Justice blueprint would create new lending system for low-income groups at risk of bad debt

King’s Fund:  Social care at a crossroads - response to the ADASS budget survey ~ Survey

IFS:  Public service spending - more cuts to come

CIPD:   Employees want a ‘family feel’ at the heart of their organisation’s culture, finds latest Employee Outlook survey

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