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General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)
UK Trade August 2014 now reflects new definitions & methods set out in the Balance of Payments Manual sixth edition (BPM6)
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Consumer Prices Index (CPI) grew by 1.2% in the year to September 2014, down from 1.5% in August
Largest fall in unemployment since records began
Life expectancy in Scotland continues to rise
In 2013, over half (51%) of all live births were to mothers aged 30 & over
International Comparisons of Productivity - First Estimates, 2013
ScotGov: More children in minority ethnic households
Variation in the quality of care means people living with dementia risk receiving poor care
NIESR - Global study shows low birth rates can bring surprising economic benefits
TNA: ‘Inventions that didn't change the world' published
Insolvency Service launched a new quarterly external newsletter for stakeholders
NEF: The next financial crisis - not if but when; poorer countries now leading debt creation
Lord Ashcroft's veterans transition review: government response
Iraq Historic Allegations Team quarterly updates
Fewer pupils regularly missing class than ever before
IEA: Reviving contracting out of pensions will boost financial security in retirement
New APSE and NLGN research: "Better Business: Councils shaping markets for public value
Explore the Capital the Metropolitan way
PX: Unemployment benefits to vary depending on how long an individual has worked under radical shake-up of welfare system
NHS Confed: New report shows how culture change can makes vast impact to quality & finance in the NHS
WAG: Spot checks reveal no systemic concerns about patient care in Welsh hospitals
Triennial Review of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner
CQC publishes its fifth annual report on the state of health and care services in England
Economic Secretary on the future of banking
NAO: Housing Benefit fraud & error
Ofsted: New funding for primary schools is improving children’s PE skills & participation in sport
Homelessness won't be tackled without more housing - country will be short of up to 2m homes by 2020
CQC: What’s the state of care in England?
State of Care 2013/14