General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)

PC&PE:  MPs demand the Government redraft its Forensics Strategy

PC&PE:  Greater transparency and a grand strategy needed to defeat DAESH

PC&PE:  Role for whole of Government in improving mental health support

LGO:  Council which ignored planning duties reminded of Ombudsman accountability role

Audit Scotland:  Social work faces watershed

ScotGov:  Community Justice Scotland

EHRC Scotland publishes annual report

Kings Fund:  Clear & credible plan needed for digital health

IEA:  Global economic freedom slightly up; UK ranks 10th among 159 jurisdictions

IFG:  Trust in government growing - but it still needs to deliver

Civitas:  Why Academic Freedom Matters - A response to current challenges – (Civitas:  The Real Sterling Crisis: Why the UK needs a policy to keep the exchange rate down ~

CIPD:  HR professionals play a ‘crucial’ role in helping bridge the gap between education and work

PX:  Government will miss its housing target unless Housing Associations are given more freedoms to build

JRF:  Inclusive Growth Commission - Economic growth must reach our small towns & cities

Demos:  Peer pressure means alcohol remains ‘social glue’ and ‘rite of passage’ for students & young workers

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