General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)

NAO:  Investigation into the UKTI specialist services contract with PA Consulting

NAO:  Impact of the Strategic Defence & Security Review on the Equipment Plan

NAO:  Financial sustainability of local authorities - capital expenditure & resourcing

NAO:  Memorandum - The Future of Jobcentre Plus Inquiry

WAO:  An impressive year for public audit in Wales

PC&PE:  Government must address incoherent approach to teacher training

PC&PE:  Contingency plans needed to protect UK science

PC&PE:  Constitution Committee publishes report on 2015-16

PC&PE:  Action needed on digital skills crisis

PC&PE:  Government must address issues with business rates retention plan ~ LGA responds to CLG Committee report on business rates

PC&PE:  Families must be assured of access when free childcare extended

PC&PE:  UK needs a national space programme

PC&PE:  Portrayal of Wales on screen needs urgent improvement

PC&PE:  Overhaul to energy network operation called for

PC&PE:  Access to justice damaged by courts and tribunals fees changes

PC&PE:  Jail data abusers says Culture, Media and Sport Committee report

techUK responds to Culture, Media & Sport Committee Report on Cyber Security ~ BCS welcomes Cyber Security: Protection of Personal Data Online Report

YJB responds to The Howard League’s report, ‘The Carlile Inquiry 10 years on’

NO:  School admissions should be judged on fair grounds

NO:  Parents need to be supported to balance care and work needs, Ombudsman says

ScottGov:  33,490 Affordable Homes delivered over the last 5 years – (ScotGov:  Further fall in organic land ~ Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture ~ Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions ~ Scotland exceeds 2020 climate targets ~ ScotGov:  Numbers up at tourist attractions ~ ScotGov:  Record school leavers in positive destinations ~ ScottGov:  Statistics on school leaver attainment, destinations and healthy living)

DWP:  Unemployment down as more people in work than ever before ~ Wales Office:  Unemployment down as Welsh jobs market out performs the UK ~ ScotGov:  Decrease in unemployment ~ WAG:  "The improving employment rate in Wales continues to outperform all other parts of the UK" - Carwyn Jones)

Land Registry:  UK House Price Index (HPI) for April 2016

CUL: Independent Review of HM Treasury’s 2 EU referendum models finds grossly exaggerated impact

IFG:  New report looks at whether lessons from the UK’s reform experience can help improve government effectiveness across the world

RUSI Brexit Decision: The UK Needs to Become the EU's New Best Friend

IEA reaction to Leave vote in EU referendum

JRF response to the EU referendum – We cannot afford to return to business as usual

IPPR:  Small cities key to Northern Powerhouse success – (IPPR:  Reform to skills system needed to boost Scotland’s job recovery)

Civitas:  Private tenants should be given the right to buy to reverse the decline of home ownership

The King's Fund responds to latest A&E performance statistics

Adam Smith Inst:  YouGov Brexit Poll: 2-to-1 support for EEA option with half of Leave camp supporting Norway-style relationship

NEF:  Childcare is essential – so why isn’t it affordable?

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