General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)

ONS:  National Accounts changes - impact on real GDP 1997-2011

NAO:  Framework to review models

NAO:  Local Enterprise Partnerships ~ LGA response to NAO report on LEPS

NAO:  The impact of state pension reforms on people with Guaranteed Minimum Pensions

Audit Scotland:  Auditor General reports on significant issues with 3 college bodies

PC&PE:  Government must move faster to improve contract management

PC&PE:  MPs call for UK to prioritise immediate fight against ISIL

ScotGov:  Making colleges even better – (ScotGov:  Children’s Social Work Statistics 2014-15 ~ ScotGov:  School data published ~ ScotGov:  Education Maintenance Allowances 2014-15 ~ ScotGov:  Farm incomes halved in 4 years ~ ScotGov:  Criminal justice social work statistics: 2014-15)

FRC: Results of review of transfers from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution schemes

Food Standards Agency publishes the first assessment of food crime in the UK – (FSA:  Triennial review of 6 FSA Scientific Advisory Committees)

Land Registry:  February 2016 Transaction Data

EHRC:  New report reveals hundreds still dying in detention

Chatham House:  The refugee crisis - A European call for action

IPPR:  New schools whitepaper could cause chaotic reorganisation of schools – (IPPR Scotland:  Scotland pay packets down 12% in real-terms since 2009 ~

IFS:  Scotland’s Fiscal Framework does not satisfy Smith’s “Taxpayer fairness” principle

JRF response to the Women and Equalities Commission’s second report into the gender pay gap

NEF:  A U-turn on disability cuts, but not on government policy – (NEF:  World Happiness Report: inequality on the rise)

NLGN director comments on Scottish Labour proposals for local taxation

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