Health, Social Care and Homelessness (Archive)

DH:  Children given sports prostheses to help them get active – (DH:  Returning students urged to get vaccinated against deadly infections ~ DH:  New advice on reducing health inequalities in the criminal justice system)

NHS England:  Speaking the language of supported self-care – (NHS England:  Strengthening our commitment to personalisation)

The Patients Association is working with the CQC to empower patients to share their experiences of health & social care – (Katherine Murphy, CE of the Patients Association, has signed an open letter to the PM)

NHS Confederation:  Mixed levels of engagement between doctors and NHS managers across Wales

LGA:  Health checks could save your life – say councils – (LGA:  More than 160 operations a day to remove rotting teeth in children ~ LGA responds to latest delayed transfers of care figures)

CQC announces new partnerships with charities and patient groups – (CQC inspectors publish reports on 14 dental practices in England)

DfE:  PM unveils plans to transform mental health support ~ NHS Confederation:  Mental Health Network welcomes PM’s vision for care ~ 10DS:  The shared society: PM's speech at the Charity Commission annual meeting ~ LGA responds to PM's mental health announcement

PC&PE:  PM must find consensus on health & social care

The King’s Fund responds to a letter from the chairs of 3 Select Committees to the PM – (Kings Fund - Funds for mental health must reach the front line if Prime Minister’s vision is to be realised)

ScotGov:  Nearly £500m of NHS facilities to go live – (ScotGov:  £107m for health & social care integration ~ ScotGov:  Funding for international clinical research ~ ScotGov:  Improving trauma care in Scotland ~ ScotGov:  Spotting the signs of domestic abuse)

WAG:  Dementia care & support must be tailored to the individual – (WAG:  New treatment fund, open for business” – says Health Secretary ~ WAG:  Improved cervical & bowel cancer screening tests to be introduced)

IPPR:  NHS data shows people are waiting longer for treatment, including for life threatening conditions such as cancer

Unite:  Threat to axe up to 60 Nottinghamshire health visitors recedes

Cancer Research UK:  Researchers reveal how cancer cells cope with genetic chaos

BHF:  Majority of heart attack programmes failing to meet minimum standards

Age UK:  Poor sleep can damage brain health in later life

LGA responds to Age UK loneliness report – (LGA responds to call for cross-party agreement on social care funding)

WAG:  Cabinet Secretary announces £7.8m to prevent homelessness

Homeless Link:  Are homeless people more vulnerable to hate crime?

NICE takes key role in new European project for faster access to Alzheimer’s disease drugs – (NICE:  Everyone with learning disabilities should have their mental health checked annually, NICE says, as fears thousands may be undiagnosed ~ NICE approves kidney cancer drug for NHS use)

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