Health, Social Care and Homelessness (Archive)

DH:  Rabies in northern Greece – (DH:  Jeremy Hunt: message to NHS staff in support of their excellent work ~
DH:  More A&E funding to help hospitals prepare for winter)

NHS England strikes deal to make innovative breast cancer drug routinely available on the NHS ~ NICE:  Kadcyla new deal for breast cancer patients given green light in final draft guidance

NHS Digital:  Project unveils 25 years of lifestyle changes – (NHS Digital | Official News Release
Prevalence of smoking falls among adults in England

CQC:  Tell us your views on our next phase of regulation – (CQC:  Engaging & empowering staff is key to driving improvement in hospital care)

CQC:  NHS trusts tell their stories of improvement

CMA:  Patient benefits can clear way for Manchester hospitals merger

NHS Confederation:  Reappointment of Jeremy Hunt as health secretary "will provide continuity" – (NHS Confed.:  Brexit Health Alliance to be voice of health sector as UK leaves EU ~ NHS confed.:  New report highlights ways the independent sector is working with the NHS to reduce delayed discharges of care ~ NHS Confed.:  Confed17 opening speech by NHS Confederation chairman Stephen Dorrell)

General election response: Patients Association warns that the potential NHS funding crisis and the challenges of Brexit won’t be going away

DIFD:  UK digital health sector sets up wins in Brazil at Hospitalar

NHS Health Scotland:  New 5 year strategic framework for action

WAG:  91% of GP training places in Wales filled – (WAG:  Ministers celebrate success of outstanding health professionals who have achieved ‘Grand Slam’ of nursing and midwifery award triumphs in 2017)

EU News:  Regulators in EU, Japan and US take steps to facilitate development of new antibiotics

Link to latest news from the British Heart Foundation

Link to latest news from Cancer Research UK

Link to latest news from Diabetes UK

Link to latest news from Age UK

WAG:  Plans to curb zero-hours contracts in social care unveiled

HL:  Change Grow Live address the impact of rough sleeping & begging in Leeds – (HL:  What the election result means for our sector ~ HL:  Call to members: 5 questions on the operation of Universal Credit)

NICE to work with partners on developing new ways to measure quality of life across health & social care

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