Health, Social Care and Homelessness (Archive)

DH:  New £15m grant scheme to improve mental healthcare – (DH:  Increase in cases of Legionnaires' disease in Palmanova, Mallorca ~ DH:  Norovirus: all you need to know to prepare)

DH:  Latest NCMP data show obesity in reception children rises again ~ NHS Digital:  Obesity prevalence increases in reception age primary school children ~ LGA responds to latest childhood obesity figures

NHS England:  NHS targets super-sized chocolate bars in battle against obesity, diabetes & tooth-decay – (NHS England:  New technology, earlier diagnosis and better coordination of care in cancer)

CQC response to Four Seasons Health Care announcement – (CQC publishes the results of the sixth national emergency department patient survey)

NHS Confederation:  "Worst case scenario" Brexit could cost £500m a year

NHS Digital:  New annual A&E statistics report published – (NHS Digital:  New information on mental health & maternity)

Patients Association response to BBC report on the state of the NHS

WAG:  Successful GP recruitment campaign to continue

NAO:  CQC regulating health & social care

CAB:  Research shows mental health professionals are fighting fires, rather than delivering treatment

Link to latest news from the British Heart Foundation ~ Link to latest news from Cancer Research UK ~ Link to latest news from Diabetes UK ~ Link to latest news from Age UK

Ofsted:  Social care commentary: October 2017

ScotGov:  Pay boost for carers

CLG:  Government actions a further step in homeless prevention

LGA:  Nation faces older people homelessness ‘time bomb’ – councils warn – (LGA responds to Age UK delayed transfers of care figures)

NO:  Councils reminded of their duty to homeless families following Ombudsman investigation

Homeless Link:  Are homelessness services the last refuge for refugees? – (HL:  Get involved in the Transatlantic Practice Exchange 2018)

NICE:  Hundreds of patients to have access to head & neck cancer drug after new deal, says NICE – (NICE: 
Mind the gap: better evidence, fresher air
~ NICE:  Nutritious cookery lessons served up by Health Champions)

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