Health, Social Care and Homelessness (Archive)

DH:  PHE response to the British Journal of Sports Medicine on Eatwell Guide – (DH:  Child flu vaccine plays important role in annual flu programme)

NHS England:  Kate Granger Awards brings even greater recognition – (NHS England:  CCGs urged to tackle backlogs at eye health summit ~ NHS England:  Reflections from The Children’s Society on Carers Week ~ NHS England:  First 10 sites of Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme ready to make referrals in coming weeks ~ New Care Models & Staff Engagement: All Aboard ~ NHS Chief launches new fast track funding so NHS patients get treatment innovations faster ~  NHS England:  Putting patients in control of their care ~  Innovative solutions to deliver #FutureNHS ~ Patients benefiting from advanced brain tumour treatment set to double ~ Shining a light into dark corners – Tackling conflicts of interest ~ NHS England:  Allied Health Professions gather for annual conference ~ NHS England:  Embrace the new hub culture ~
In the vanguard of new care ~ NHS England:  Welcome to my world ~ Award-winning lung cancer service helping even more patients with NHS England support ~ Kate Granger Awards 2016 – last call for entries)

NHS England:  Finding the right treatment ~ Spotlighting continence needs ~ Overcoming the continence stigma – Chloe’s story ~ Cutting unnecessary emergencies)

NHS England:  The Zero Suicide Policy challenges

CQC:  Care provider prosecuted – (CQC:  NHS 111 service told it must improve)

NHS Confed comments on April NHS performance figures – (NHS Confed and LGA warn integration & transformation plans are at risk ~ NHS Confederation response to Brexit)

Welsh NHS Confed welcomes high patient satisfaction rates in NHS Wales – (Welsh NHS Confed comments on latest A&E waiting times)

ScotGov:  IVF access to be expanded – (Scotland’s first graduate entry medical programme ~ ScotGov:  Improving GP recruitment & retention ~ ScotGov:  Work on trauma network underway ~  ScotGov:  NHS safe staffing to be enshrined in law ~ ScotGov:  Protecting nursing bursary & free tuition)

WAG:  Diabetes Clinic at Ysbyty Gwynedd Hospital praised by Vaughan Gething – (WAG:  Lives saved in first 6 months of new organ donation system ~ WAG:  High levels of patient satisfaction in Welsh NHS commended by Vaughan Gething ~ WAG:  Decline in sight impairments, new figures show ~ WAG:  Cancer survival rates in Wales continue to rise, but improvement is still needed ~ WAG:  Consider a career in the NHS)

LGA:  Councils respond to latest NHS health check figures – (LGA:  Obesity crisis: 500 children suffering Type 2 diabetes is 'wake-up call' for the nation ~ Diabetes UK - More than 500 children & young people have Type 2 diabetes ~ LGA:  Councils respond to stats on women smoking while pregnant ~ LGA - Councils respond to NSPCC's "How Safe Are Our Children?" report)

EU NEWS:  Microplastics and nanoplastics in food – an emerging issue

CAB:  Patients hit by extra charges after poor dental treatment

The King's Fund responds to latest A&E performance statistics

Cancer Research UK - Being obese or overweight could cause 7.6m cases of disease by 2035 – (CRUK: - Less educated women less likely to spot breast cancer symptoms)

techUK:  Call for input: Inquiry into adult social care

Homeless Link:  Streetlink - 2016 Tech4Good Awards – (Homeless Link:  Providing support for women experiencing homelessness ~ HL:  LHA caps & Future Funding update ~ HL:  Making it Real for Housing with person-centred support ~ HL:  Trafficking & labour exploitation: new resources for homeless services ~ HL:  Refugee week 20-26 June - focus on Open Door North East)

JRF launches new Hartlepool Action Lab to help tackle poverty

NICE recommends laser device to help thousands of men with an enlarged prostate – (Updated NICE quality standard identifies areas for breast cancer improvement ~ NICE:  Cost of cystic fibrosis treatment too high for benefit offered ~ NICE:  Improving home care services for older people)

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