Health, Social Care and Homelessness (Archive)

DH:  Health matters promotes midlife approaches to reduce dementia risk – (New PHE data on salt consumption levels ~ DH:  Junior doctor contract negotiations)

MoD:  Developing mental health services for veterans in England

NHS England announces new action to cut stillbirths – (Consultation on Specialised Services clinical commissioning policies & service specifications ~ Success in NHS push to reduce avoidable antibiotic prescribing ~ NHS England:  Thousands to benefit as first wave of NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme national rollout is announced

NHS England:  Update on commissioning & provision of Pre Exposure Prophylaxsis (PREP) for HIV prevention ~ LGA:  Councils respond to NHS England announcement not to fund new HIV treatment ~ ScotGov:  HPV vaccination programme)

CQC:  GP complaint handling – An opportunity to improve

Monitor:  People experiencing mental illness to get improved care in Essex – (Monitor:  Essex teaching hospital to improve its finances with Monitor’s support)

Crown Commercial Service Health temporary staff frameworks approved by Monitor

MHRA contributing to the global fight against Zika ~ BIS:  UK trebles funding to tackle Zika virus

NHS Confederation: New report lays out central role for independent sector in NHS Sustainability & Transformation plans)

DfE:  Tax-Free Childcare: 10 things parents should know

ScotGov:  Commitment to tackling low pay in NHS Scotland – (ScotGov:  £14m to help thousands heat homes ~ ScotGov:  Hospital food ~ ScotGov:  Getting it right for children in care ~ ScotGov:  Transforming out-of-hours services ~ ScotGov:  Funding for carers’ groups ~ ScotGov:  Smoking ban ~ ScotGov:  HPV vaccination programme)

WAG:  Pancreatic cancer drug Abraxane continues to be available in Wales – (1% pay rise for all Welsh NHS staff ~ New national system to allow ‘real time’ monitoring of infection outbreaks in Welsh hospitals ~ WAG:  Treatment closer to home thanks to extra £1.2m every year ~ One week to go until major changes to Wales’ social services ~ Minister visits £5m improvements to Tywyn Hospital ~ WAG:  Minister launches the Centre for Excellence in Rural Healthcare ~ WAG:  “The Welsh NHS is helping people live healthier lives”)

Welsh NHS Confederation comments on falling of Public Health Bill – (Welsh NHS Confed comments on A&E waiting times)

LGA responds to Licensing Act report by Institute of Alcohol Studies – (LGA:  Councils respond to new homelessness figures)

EHRC:  3 in 4 working mothers say they’ve experienced pregnancy & maternity discrimination ~ TUC calls for urgent action as new report reveals that 77% of working mums have experienced pregnancy discrimination – (EHRC:  New report reveals hundreds still dying in detention)

BIG:  Homeshare opens new doors to independent living for older & younger people

CMA’s private healthcare provisional decision on remedies

ESRC:  Parental conflict damages children's mental health and life chances

Food Standards Agency publishes the first assessment of food crime in the UK

NICE recommends abiraterone for prostate cancer – (Exercise not acupuncture for people with low back pain says NICE in draft guidance ~ NICE:  Older employees should be supported in the workplace

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