WGPlus (Archive)

Helping to make care affordable

Councils have been awarded funding for projects which use digital technology to transform & improve social care.  As part of the LGA’s Local Investment Programme, which is funded by NHS Digital, 16 councils will each receive up to £50,000 towards their projects.

The application process was based around 5 themes:-

  • Sharing information & integrating services
  • Enabling people to interact with care services through digital channels
  • Promoting independence & wellbeing through the use of digital services & technology
  • Integrating commissioning through the improved use of information and analysis
  • Enabling care professionals to work from any base at any time
Researched Links:

LGA:  Using digital technology to improve social care

LGA responds to MENCAP care crisis warning

Patients Association calls for decisive government action to head off social care back-pay crisis

LGA responds to Ipsos MORI report on unmet needs in social care

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