ICT and Data Management / Security (Archive)

techUK:  Data Centres and Brexit – (techUK:  LGA Local Investment Programme: Transforming Care and Health through Tech ~ techUK:  CETA is a boost European Tech, with lessons for the UK post-Brexit ~ techUK:  Startup Report Cites Learnings from UK to create successful innovation ~ techUK:  EBA outlines changes to strong customer authentication ~ techUK:  Open Banking - public access websites for developers ~ techUK:  Public Support for Smart Meters Grows ~ techUK:  Ministers urged to ease trade barriers for products that incorporate encryption)

ICO:  Three regulators unite to help fundraisers comply with the law ~ Fundraising regulator:  Consultation on changes to the Code of Fundraising Practice ~ ICO:  Elizabeth Denham’s speech at Compliance Conference  ~ Fundraising Regulator releases consent & data guidance ~ ICO:  London house raided as part of illegal data trading probe ~ ICO:  Speech at DMA Annual Conference

Cabinet Office:  Second high-level UK-China security dialogue: February 2017 – (CO:  Big data in government: the challenges & opportunities)

ScotGov:  New TV channel for Scotland

BCS:  UK's future success outside the EU underpinned by choices on major digital issues - BCS Brexit Report

DfT:  £4m awarded for tech which gives motorists advance notice of congestion and free parking spaces – (DfT:  New measures set out autonomous vehicle insurance and electric car infrastructure)

CMA secures better deal for cloud storage users

ESRC:  Building a big data picture of Glasgow

STFC:  Aeroplane & internet systems better protected thanks to unique UK technology

AXELOS:  ITIL® and DevOps - arch-enemies or complementary models? – (AXELOS:  5 winning ways with agile & programme management in 2017)

Latest Survey: Budget Constraints Are Hurting Public Sector Talent Acquisition - Could AI be the Solution?