ICT and Data Management / Security (Archive)

ICO:  Crackdown, collaboration & court action -  how we’re working to stop nuisance calls ~ ICO:  Intel, info & investigation: 7 ways we track who’s behind nuisance calls – (ICO:   Rights for the Future: ICO plan 2016-2019)

HM Treasury:  Fintech week - Greg Hands' speech at the opening of the London Stock Exchange

BIS:  Business Secretary announces new business broadband review

Ofcom:  Making digital communications work for everyone ~ techUK comments on the interim conclusions of Ofcom’s Strategic Review

DIFD:  UK & GSMA partner on mobile technology to fight global poverty

MoJ:  Offender management

DCMS:  Baroness Neville-Rolfe on data protection and nuisance calls

GDS:  Writing content for everyone

ScotGov:  Digital and entrepreneurial success – (ScotGov:  Clyde Commuters GoSmart with McGill’s)

WAG:  Conwy County speeds past 80% superfast coverage – (WAG:  More than 65% of St David’s now able to go superfast)

techUK’s Annual Equal Pay Survey results revealed – (techUK:  HMRC publishes its long-term tech strategy ~ techUK:  3D TV sales fall flat ~ techUK:  BT invites SMEs to shape cities of the future ~ techUK:  Digital transformation central to MoJ’s Vision ~ techUK:  UK given green light to become world leader in driverless cars ~ Latest PwC Figures Show Cyber as the Fastest Growing Economic Crime ~ techUK recognised alongside members in the Big Data 100 ~ techUK:  Facebook add their voice to a Virtual Reality future)

SOCITM:  Better Connected Live 2016 The re-invention of local public services

BCS:  UK can lead world in tackling the opportunities & risks of technology in 21st century

LGA responds to CCTV spending report

EU and Brazil to work together on 5G mobile technology

Work Foundation:  2017: The year Dolly Parton will finally be proved wrong as working 9am-5pm no longer ‘the way to make a living’

Breaking Down the Procurement Act 2023 Guide