WGPlus (Archive)

In some ways it is the ‘perfect’ career for women; ‘brains not brawn’ & opportunities for working from home

A ‘Socitm Women in IT’ group is being established by the Society to improve the visibility of women in IT; through raising the profile of talented & experienced women working to deliver local public services, promoting them as role models and presenting greater opportunities for public speaking & other engagements.

An immediate goal is to address the under-representation of women in IT.  It is important to use the group to gain insights into the barriers preventing women joining IT and progressing their careers.  The longer term aim will be working with young women at the point at which they are considering career options to assist and identify ways & means to support them into IT and IT management.

Researched Links:

SOCITM:  Women in IT


A chance to be recognised

Women who take the lead

And an ’Appy’ time will be had by all

Men & women are equal on ‘brainpower’ so deserve equal opportunities

Time for employers to accept that most professional, technical & managerial jobs need ‘Brains not Brawn’

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan