Industry News (Archive)

Education & Skills Funding Agency:  GSK crowned apprentice team of the year

WAG:  Economy Secretary at Paris Airshow to promote Wales’ aerospace sector

WAG:  GD Environmental expands with Welsh Government support creating 39 jobs

WAG:  Big budget US comedy Show Dogs spent £4.7m filming in Wales – Hollywood producer is keen to return after ‘a great experience’

WAG:  Construction under way on Qioptiq’s new £3.7m facility expansion will ensure £82m MoD contract will be delivered on time

ScotGov:  Investment in Michelin factory

Ordnance Survey:  Are traditional outdoor activities becoming a thing of the past?

EC approves €377m of French & German aid to develop innovative Airbus X6 helicopter

Enhancing Prisoner Rehabilitation: The Role of Serco