WGPlus (Archive)

Just when they need a ‘warm, secure home’

The nation is facing a “ticking time bomb” in the number of homeless older people.  Latest figures show an alarming rise of 130% since its lowest point 8 years ago, councils warn.

The Local Government Association says that older homelessness is a growing hidden phenomenon that needs greater understanding.  Latest figures show that between April & June this year, councils accepted 620 people aged over 60 as homeless – at a rate of nearly 10 a day. The LGA, which represents more than 370 councils in England & Wales, is warning that based on existing trends, this is set to double by 2025.

Older homeless people are presenting to councils with a range of complex health conditions.  Physical & mental health problems, alcohol abuse and gambling problems are contributory factors in later life homelessness, along with the death of a close relative, relationship breakdown, accommodation being sold or needing repair, and rent arrears.

The LGA’s new report The impact of homelessness on health, launched at its National Children & Adult Services Conference in Bournemouth, says that the rising number of older homeless will create significant extra pressures for councils, such as in providing housing and social care.
Researched Links:

LGA:  Nation faces older people homelessness ‘time bomb’ – councils warn

IFS:  Low-income households increasingly exposed to rent increases

JRF:  600,000 more people face rent shortfalls

CLG:  Government actions a further step in homeless prevention

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NAO:  Homelessness

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