Legislation / Legal (Archive)

IPCC:  Seni Lewis investigation update – (IPCC to investigate death of woman in Surrey Police custody)

HMIC:  Bedfordshire Police shows early signs of improving its approach to tackling domestic abuse, following a series of HMIC revisit inspections – (Police custody in Barnet, Brent and Harrow – some concerns)

MoJ:  New measures to make criminals pay legal aid costs

Home Office:  Blanket ban to clamp down on 'legal highs'

CLG:  Devolution Bill will pave the way for cities & counties around the country to gain new wide-ranging powers

DfE:  The new Education & Adoption Bill will close loopholes to speed up the turnaround of failing schools

WAG:  6-month countdown until the organ donation law in Wales changes has begun – (Ban on people smoking in cars carrying children in Wales given go-ahead by AMs)

Environment Agency:  Thames Water's £250,000 fine is upheld by the Court of Appeal

HMRC:  Tax credits error & fraud reduced to an all-time low

CMA invites comments on Greene King pub sales – (CMA refers 3 children’s online games to the ASA ~ CMA provisionally clears packaging merger ~ Procurement tips to boost competition and the Northern Irish economy ~ CMA warns estate & lettings agents not to break competition law ~ CMA confirms clearance of Pork Farms/Kerry Foods merger)

FCA:  8 convicted for role in unauthorised collective investment scheme – (FCA:  Lloyds Banking Group fined £117m for failing to handle PPI complaints fairly)

HMRC:  Solicitors need to settle tax bills

NCA:  DNA evidence from towel jails drug smuggler

CCS:  New agreement has been launched to help public sector organisations fulfil their media monitoring & evaluation needs

Enhancing Prisoner Rehabilitation: The Role of Serco