Legislation / Legal (Archive)

Home Secretary announces reforms to IPCC

IPCC:  Call for greater analysis of police use of force as new report published – (IPCC refers Leon Briggs investigation to the CPS ~ IPCC:  Investigation into Surrey Police's decision to return firearms to John Lowe referred to the Crown Prosecution Service ~ IPCC concludes managed investigation into Staffordshire Police)

ICO delivers cautionary tale to political campaigners as it fines nuisance-calling MP £5,000

HM Treasury:  Senior bankers to face jail for reckless decisions

MoJ:  England & Wales PSPRB fifteenth report

BIS:  Pubs Code Adjudicator appointed

Government Legal Department:  Tipping the scales for women in justice - working for equality in Sierra Leone

ScotGov:  Private prosecution funding determination – (ScotGov:  Lobbying Bill ~ Bill

WAG:  Public Health Bill will improve health of people in Wales – (WAG:  Wales Bill - “The Bill we could still deliver together”; Carwyn Jones ~ WAG:  First ever Welsh Tax legislation passed)

NIA:  Committee highlights opportunities for collaboration & innovation in the justice system

Electoral Commission opens applications for EU Referendum lead campaigner designation)

CMA provisionally decides to vary Rough undertakings – (CMA signals route for greater rail competition ~ CMA sets out energy market changes ~ Ofgem welcomes CMA’s provisional decision on remedies)

DECC:  Biggest ever investigation into energy market builds on what government is doing to keep bills down

FCA:  New accountability regime for banks and insurers comes into force – (FCA publishes a Discussion Paper on the client money distribution rules and the Special Administration Regime ~ FCA contacting 16,000 customers of debt management firm, PDHL)

FRC responds to request for guidance on volatility & uncertainty for corporate reporting season

FSCS considering cover for claims against Cornerstone Friendly Society

NCA:  South Wales drug dealers jailed after cash & £1m cocaine seizure – (NCA:  Hunt is on for Britain’s most wanted fugitives ~ NCA:  So-called untouchables will be NCA’s absolute focus says Director General)

Environment Agency:  Thames Water fined £380,000 for pollution of a rural stream

techUK:  Leveraging technology to prevent violence against women – (Bill to tackle surge in cybercrime)

Latest Survey: Budget Constraints Are Hurting Public Sector Talent Acquisition - Could AI be the Solution?