Legislation / Legal (Archive)

IPCC:  Witnesses sought following man's death in Scarborough – (IPCC:  Former Merseyside Police officer jailed for misconduct in public office ~ IPCC concludes investigation following a man's death in Lancashire ~ IPCC send file on five Sussex Police officers to CPS following Duncan Tomlin investigation)

HMIC:  Review published on how the police, fire & ambulance services work together during major incidents – (HMIC:  Joint inspectorate report finds progress still needs to be made in digitisation of the criminal justice process)

MoJ:  David Lammy to visit court as part of racial bias review

AGO:  Footballer found guilty of contempt of court

10DS:  PM - Companies to be liable for employees who facilitate tax cheating

CLG:  Council crackdown on rogue traders operating in the black economy

ICO prosecutes man who tried to steal customer data – (ICO comment: EU approves new data protection rules to boost online privacy)

EA:  Waste firm ordered to pay more than £1.2m for waste offences

CMA:  Construction merger faces in-depth investigation – (CMA publishes final Cement Market Data Order & undertakings)

FCA publishes the interim report of its investment & corporate banking market study and a discussion paper on the IPO process – (techUK:   UK Government & the FCA Outline Fintech Innovation Strategy ~ FCA & PRA jointly publish proposals to enhance enforcement decision-making processes ~ FCA publishes Decision Notice for former UBS LIBOR trader ~ FCA:  Latest Consumers Firms Warnings CP16/11: PSR regulatory fees 2016/17 ~ FCA:  Customer Understanding of Transactions ~ FCA:  Latest Consumers Firms Warnings Occasional Paper No. 16: Are high-frequency traders anticipating the order flow? Cross-venue evidence from the UK market)

FSCS:  Advice to invest in peer-to-peer lending may now be covered by FSCS

NCA:  Drug criminal tried to flee UK in lorry to avoid arrest – (NCA:  Report published on review of NCA warrants)

NCTSO:  STOP Terrorists’ & Extremists’ Online Presence

Insolvency Service: Update Wednesday 13 April 2016: SSI steel works: information for employees & creditors – (Insolvency Service:  Third time unlucky as fraudulent company is closed down)

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