Legislation / Legal (Archive)

IPCC:  South Yorkshire Police officer charged with dangerous driving – (IPCC statement following CPS decision to take no further action following Jermaine Baker investigation ~ IPCC investigation following the death of Sinead Wooding in West Yorkshire ~ British Transport Police officer sacked for excessive use of force following IPCC investigation ~ IPCC:  Moped pursuit officers in Camden acted in line with policy concludes IPCC investigation)

HMIC:  High Court judgment on David Crompton v Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire

Home Office:  Minister supports police action to tackle knife crime

MoJ:  Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice - David Lidington appointed

Sentencing Council:  New sentencing guidelines proposed for child cruelty & female genital mutilation offences

ScotGov:  Historic Islands Bill introduced – (ScotGov:  Modernising fatal accident inquiries ~ ScotGov:  Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission)

Welsh Government look to update 200 year old Taxi licensing

UK online centres:  Online Centre Visit To The Edlington Hilltop Centre

HSE:  Roofing company fined after safety failings – (HSE:  Waste recycling company fined after worker scalded)

Refuse workers win landmark victory in ‘overtime pay’ case, says Unite

CMA set to remove bus undertakings in Bristol – (CMA:  Heineken/Punch must resolve concerns over pub merger ~ CMA accepts gyms merger undertakings ~ CMA:  Electro Rent / Microlease merger inquiry finds competition concerns ~ CMA:  Patient benefits can clear way for Manchester hospitals merger ~ CMA outlines emerging concerns in care homes market ~ CMA publishes full decision in phenytoin case)

FCA provides update on regulatory sandbox

FRC: Outcome of disciplinary cases in connection with The Cup Trust – (FRC: FTSE 350 audits improved with further action needed to deliver consistent improvement)

NCA:  Jail for money bags quartet – (NCA:  Sex offender travelled to Spain to film children on beach ~ NCA:  Joint investigation leads to number of firearm charges ~ NCA seizes properties from fine wine and mortgage fraudsters ~ NCA:  Operation Stovewood - Man charged with 21 child sexual abuse offences ~ NCA:  International strike against criminals trying to beat anti-virus ~ NCA:  Hacker stole satellite data from US Department of Defense ~ NCA:  Wheels come off for car fraudster’s wife)

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