Legislation / Legal (Archive)

IPCC:  Investigation into Devon & Cornwall PCC – (IPCC investigating Dyfed Powys Police contact with man prior to his death in Llanelli ~ IPCC investigation following a man’s death in Liverpool ~ IPCC investigating Gloucestershire Constabulary following death of man near Lydbrook)

ICO:  Worldwide fight to tackle nuisance messages intensifies – (ICO:  Consumers taking action over mistrust of organisations handling personal data ~ ICO:  Manchester house raided as part of illegal data selling investigation)

EHRC  Wheelchair spaces on buses must be available to disabled people, bus companies told

ScotGov:  £4m for community sentences

Wales Office:  "Clarity & accountability" at the heart of the Wales Bill, says Alun Cairns

PC&PE:  Sentence reduction for guilty pleas: risks in new guideline

YJB responds to The Howard League’s report, ‘The Carlile Inquiry 10 years on’

CMA:  Abandonment of de-icing merger – (CMA:  Yorkshire & Humber lawyers asked to help competition law awareness ~ CMA kicks off latest merger remedies reviews ~ CMA:  Scottish sales required after records management merger ~ CMA approves K-Y licence in UK to Thornton & Ross ~ CMA determination published in superfast broadband appeals ~ CMA:  Procurement tool targets bid-rigging cheats ~ CMA guides businesses on online competition law ~ CMA considers undertakings in broker merger ~ CMA:  New blog post on the future of the Land Registry)

Citizens Advice responds to CMA energy investigation

FCA:  Former equities trader at Schroders Investment Management sentenced for insider dealing – (FCA:  FCA charge five in alleged investment fraud)

FRC statement regarding the implementation of the EU Audit Regulation & Directive – (FRC: Public Audit Forum designated SORP-making body)

NCA:  Criminal couple lose assets following NCA investigation - (NCA:  Something fishy in brothel profits ~ NCA DG at Five Eyes Law Enforcement Group meetings in Washington ~ NCA:  Four arrested in cross-Channel people smuggling investigation ~ NCA arrests in Rotherham and Sheffield, South Yorkshire)

HSE:  Suspended prison sentence for unregistered gas fitter

Insolvency Service:  Changes to the Official Receiver’s Bank Account details

Food Standards Agency:  National Food Crime Unit launches ‘Food Crime Confidential’

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