WGPlus (Archive)

More difficult than trying to find ‘Good’ local school
Cllr Linda Thomas responds to Which? research on the choice of care homes.
Researched Links:

LGA responds to Which? research on care home choice

Councils don’t / cannot afford to pay the true cost

No option but to pay!

This problem is not going to be solved by taxing a few people a lot more

Some Councils seem to have forgotten their ‘Duty of Care’

What is the state of ‘God’s waiting rooms’?

Are you entitled to free care?

Most services meet the ‘Mum Test’ but there is still too much poor care, finds CQC

Citizens Advice responds to launch of CMA investigation into care homes

Councils must offer affordable options when arranging care homes for families

Active Wellbeing 2025 Promoters Pack