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Not just GDPR to worry about; Blog posted by: Jo Pedder, Interim Head of Policy and Engagement at ICO, 06 April 2017

While preparations for the GDPR dominate the headlines, it’s not the only change for the digital economy.  As technology evolves at a phenomenal rate, the laws that govern internet-based services are moving at an equally rapid pace.

The next piece of legislation in line for an overhaul is the European directive that forms the basis of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR).  PECR currently set out the rules on electronic communications, including nuisance calls & messages, cookies and the provision of internet or telecoms services.

Earlier this year, the EC published its proposal for the new updated ePrivacy Regulation (ePR), to better protect people’s privacy in the digital age.

This proposal is just the beginning of the process, and the details are likely to change as we move forward.  It will be a tough deadline for EU lawmakers to meet – the ePR is due to come into effect in May 2018 alongside the GDPR.  With only 14 months to go, the next step is for the European Parliament and the European Council to each review the draft and form their own view on what it should say, before coming together around the end of 2017 to negotiate the final text.

As a regulation, it will apply directly within every EU member state.  As with GDPR, the UK government has confirmed it would be implemented in the UK before we leave the EU.
Researched Links:

ICO:  ePrivacy reform: Privacy & electronic communications regulations (PECR) under review

EU News:  Data Privacy Shield: MEPs alarmed at undermining of privacy safeguards in the US

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