WGPlus (Archive)

Our data privacy is at an ever increasing risk

Tony Porter, Surveillance Camera Commissioner (SCC), and Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner, have published a revised memorandum of understanding.

The memorandum is a statement of intent that has at its heart, the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens in respect of their privacy, the protection of their personal information and also the public interest which arises when balancing those considerations against a legitimate duty to protect communities, where it is necessary to do so.

In addition’ the ICO’s series of blogs continues to sort the fact from the fiction by busting some of the myths around the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Researched Links:

Surveillance Camera Commissioner and Information Commissioner sign MoU

Smile; you are probably ‘on camera’

SCC publishes civil engagement plan

Local Authority workshops announced

SCC launches a passport for compliance

ICO:  GDPR – setting the record straight on data breach reporting

GDPR will soon become a reality

GDPR Guidance: What to look for in your Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Transitioning for away from the EU DP ‘umbrella’

With GDPR coming into force next year ‘effective solutions’ are needed

Not just GDPR to worry about; Blog posted by: Jo Pedder, Interim Head of Policy & Engagement at ICO, 06 April 2017

Still much more to be done by LAs to comply with Best Practice / Legal Requirements

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide