Policy Statements and Initiatives (Archive)

FCO and DFID statement on the Advisory Commission Report on Rakhine State – (FCO:  UK and Kazakhstan celebrate 25 years of diplomatic relations ~ FCO:  UK concerned at detention of Mehman Aliyev in Azerbaijan ~ FCO:  "Peacekeeping is one tool in the sustaining peace toolbox. It cannot be used in isolation..." ~ FCO:  UK and Japan: PM's visit 2017 ~ Foreign Secretary champions UK-Nigeria trade and partnership ~ FCO:  Minister Field summons North Korean ambassador: 31 August 2017)

DIFD:  British public to have their say on how UK aid is spent as government supports largest ever round of charity appeals – (DIFD:  UK cracks down on modern slavery in Nigeria)

10DS:  PM heads to Japan to build strong post-Brexit relationship with Tokyo

CLG:  Government completes large-scale fire safety testing programme – (CLG:  New fund launched to reduce litter through innovative projects ~ CLG:  Independent Review of Building Regulations & Fire Safety: publication of terms of reference)

Home Office:  8,500 refugees arrive on the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme

DfT:  Planes fuelled by waste could take off from British airports – (DfT:  Cleaner journeys as government commits £11m to greener buses)

DfE:  30 hours free childcare launches

DfT:  Midland Metro extension gets £59.8m green light from government

Government Equalities Office:  Career break returner programmes launched to help people back to work

ScotGov:  Prestigious film & TV school to open in Scotland – (ScotGov:  Queensferry Crossing – a bridge to economic resilience ~ ScotGov:  No EU deal is ‘unthinkable’ ~ ScotGov:  Improving employment support ~ ScotGov:  Future of Crofting ~ ScotGov:  Human trafficking is closer to home than most Scots think ~ ScotGov:  Increased support for Govanhill tenants ~ ScotGov:  £5.3m for Ayrshire ~ ScotGov:  Teacher recruitment campaign expanded ~ ScotGov:  New chair for Strategic Board appointed. ~ ScotGov:  Ministers visit Icelandic children’s house)

WAG:  Make the most of every opportunity to operate in a more efficient & environmentally-friendly way

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