Policy Statements and Initiatives (Archive)

FCO:  RURA decision to indefinitely suspend the BBC Kinyarwanda service – (FCO:  Minister for Africa offers condolences following Ghana fire ~ Global Coalition of nations unite to defeat terrorist organisation ISIL ~ FCO Minister condemns South Sudan decision to expel UN diplomat ~ Minister welcomes destruction 200 tonnes of Syrian chemical stockpiles ~ FS condemns further Syrian barrel bomb use)

10 DS:  PM and Transport Secretary celebrate completion of Crossrail tunnelling

CO:  The list of Cabinet Committees & Implementation Taskforces has been published

DWP:  Government brings forward plans to double free childcare for working families ~ IEA:  Further subsidies ignore the cause behind expensive childcare

Home Office:  Blanket ban to clamp down on 'legal highs'

HM Treasury:  Chancellor announces £4.5bn of measures to bring down debt – (Statement to Parliament: Machinery of Government changes to the Shareholder Executive, the Digital Economy Unit and policy on cities ~ Rural fuel price cut begins ~ Chancellor extends successful Lloyds trading plan following sale of a further 1% of Lloyds shares through the trading plan)

CLG:  Devolution Bill will pave the way for cities & counties around the country to gain new wide-ranging powers – (Greg Clark tells Whitehall & town halls: loosen your grip on surplus land)

DIFD:  New UK support as UN launches Iraq appeal – (DIFD:  UK continues to provide support for Burma ~ Nutrition for Growth: 2 years on ~ UK provides humanitarian support for Burundian refugees)

DH:  Clampdown on staffing agencies charging NHS extortionate rates as part of tough new financial controls to cut down on waste in the NHS – (How can we afford the kind of care we all want?)

DfE:  Funding for rugby coaches to build character & resilience in pupils – (The new Education & Adoption Bill will close loopholes to speed up the turnaround of failing schools ~ DfE:  One year on: supporting female talent in the energy sector)

DCMS:  Minister outlines priorities in first major speech

ScotGov:  FMs of Scotland and Wales meet – (ScotGov:  World Environment Day ~ Improving older men’s health ~ ScotGov:  Cyber resilience consultation ~ Consultation on Proposal for a Cyber Resilience Strategy for Scotland ~ ScotGov: Alcohol debate must continue ~ ScotGov:  Assurance sought over windfarm subsidies ~ Tenant farming advisor ~ ScotGov:  Don’t Spoil Summer – Don’t Drink and Drive ~ Film expert panel to be set up ~ Call for UK wide deposit return scheme ~ ScotGov:  First Minister to set out case for Scotland remaining in EU ~ FM says consultation on Scotland’s islands to be published this summer ~ ScotGov:  £1m to develop early years workforce - Independent review of early learning & childcare workforce published ~ ScotGov:  Islands Bill consultation and transport top of agenda at Island group meeting ~ ScotGov:  Calls for clarity over £12bn cuts & urgently outline how they will impact on Scotland’s new devolved social security powers ~ FM hosts Living Wage summit as Scottish Government receives accreditation ~ £5m to help make homes cheaper to keep warm ~ ScotGov:  Food levy powers‪)

WAG:  New £30m work programme to boost the economy and support 35,000 people in Wales – (Plans unveiled for professional, profitable farms of the future ~ Additional £8m for adult mental health services in Wales ~ Lymphoedema specialist for children & young people in Wales is first in UK ~ WAG:  6-month countdown until the organ donation law in Wales changes has begun ~ New plans to improve & promote modern foreign languages in Welsh schools ~ New service to provide “talking technology” to people with severe speech & communication problems ~ Ban on people smoking in cars carrying children in Wales given go-ahead by AMs ~ WAG:  Minister acts to protect Wales’ social housing)

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