Policy Statements and Initiatives (Archive)

FCO:  UK statement on Venezuelan decision to bar human rights activist from travelling – (FCO:  Historic Opening of Doldamgil ~ UN Security Council emergency debate on North Korea: Matthew Rycroft's speech ~ FCO:  Minister for Asia concerned about arrest of Kem Sokha in Cambodia ~ FS’s Commons statement on North Korea ~ Minister for Asia condemns DPRK nuclear test ~ FCO:  Top British companies seek cyber solutions from Israel in battle against hackers)

FCO:  Hurricane Irma: Foreign Secretary's statement on Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands ~ FCO:  Hurricane Irma - government response & advice ~ DIFD:  Hurricane Irma: statement from Priti Patel ~ DIFD:  Hurricane Irma: statement from Priti Patel ~ DIFD:  RFA Mounts Bay delivers vital aid to Caribbean islands)

DIFD:  UK aid support to victims of devastating floods in South Asia

10DS:  PM statement on North Korea: 3 September 2017 – (10DS:  PM meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir: 4 September 2017 ~ 10DS:  PM call with President Trump: 5 September 2017)

Cabinet Office:  Domestic Abuse survivors given a voice to vote – (CO:  First Secretary of State confident of progress on Cardiff talks ~ CO:  Government Hub to be built in the heart of Leeds)

Home Office:  Immigration deadline for Grenfell Tower residents extended – (HO:  Investigatory Powers Commissioner establishes oversight regime ~ Home Office funds new video enabled justice programme)

DIT:  Greg Hands to take over responsibility for trade policy as Lord Price pursues business & writing interests

HM Treasury:  Chancellor to meet Metro Mayors and visit key infrastructure in the North – (HMT:  Scotland to pioneer future of global oil and gas industry ~ HM Treasury:  Finance Bill legislates for remaining tax changes)

DExEU:  UK sets clear objectives for continued science success – (DExEU:  David Davis' opening statement at the second reading of the Repeal Bill)

DfE:  Advisor appointed to boost local support for care leavers – (DfE:  Back to school for thousands of pupils as new free schools open ~ DfE:  Universities must embrace accountability)

Government Equalities Office:  Schools around the country to stamp out LGBT bullying

CLG:  New opportunities for councils to benefit from growth

Defra:  World's longest coastal footpath one step closer – (Defra:  UK leads the world in new agreement to tackle global warning)

DfT:  New government proposals to cut congestion on our busiest roads – (DfT:  Skills Minister John Hayes brings together transport and further and higher education experts in new advisory group ~ DfT:  Update on draft Airports National Policy Statement process)

DCMS:  Six areas to pilot UK's fastest broadband as part of £200m project

ScotGov:  A nation with ambition ~ ScotGov:  Programme for Government ~ ScotGov:  Bold plan to shape Scotland ~ WWF Scotland:  ‘Green’ Programme for Government welcomed

ScotGov:  Supporting the rural economy – (ScotGov:  Impact of UK Government welfare cuts ~ ScotGov:  Call for marine funding certainty ~ ScotGov:  Scottish National Investment Bank ~ ScotGov:  Council tax reduction for around half a million Scots ~ ScotGov:  Consultation launched on Building Scotland’s Low Emission Zones ~ ScotGov:  Brexit planning process ‘unacceptable’ ~ ScotGov:  Culture conversations ~ ScotGov:  Frank’s Law ~ ScotGov:  Public sector pay cap ~ FDA:  Government must take “concrete action” to end public sector pay cap ~ Audit Scotland:  Councils yet to resolve long-standing issues with equal pay)

WAG:  New Teachers, New Term, New Professional Standards – (WAG:  New flood funding for Porthcawl beach announced ~ WAG:  Wales attracting GB visitors for longer stays ~ WAG:  Brexit and Fair Movement of People ~ WAG:  Childcare Pilot projects underway)

OSSW:  The UK Government wants every part of the UK to prosper from leaving the European Union ~ OSSW:  UK Government statement following Welsh Government EU Exit meeting

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