Policy Statements and Initiatives (Archive)

Foreign Secretary statement on civil society in Egypt – (FS welcomes new UN Security Council resolution on North Korea ~ FCO:  "With each & every launch and missile test, DPRK demonstrates a total disregard for international security." ~ FCO:  "The UN’s Operation in Cote d’Ivoire will close, after 13 years of service. In that time, Cote d’Ivoire has been transformed." ~ FCO:  Montenegro joins NATO ~ FCO:  "These are the cold, calculating actions of a regime that chooses to starve its fellow Syrians into surrender." ~ FCO:  Montenegro joins NATO ~ FCO:  "If we aren’t taking steps to address climate change, we are fighting with one hand tied behind our back." ~ FCO:  "The legacy of the ICTY should be a clear & resounding message to those who commit these crimes; you cannot escape justice.")

10DS:  PM statement following London terror attack: 4 June 2017 ~ Home Secretary statement: London Bridge attack ~ NCA:  London Bridge and Borough Market terror attack ~ techUK responds to Prime Minister's speech ~ ScotGov:  London terror attack)

10DS:  PM statement: General election 2017

ScotGov:  CAP reform payments – (ScotGov:  Empowering education)

WAG:  £12m boost for Wales’ Great Outdoors – (WAG:  Children First pioneer projects announced)

Latest Survey: Budget Constraints Are Hurting Public Sector Talent Acquisition - Could AI be the Solution?