WGPlus (Archive)

Should have been done years ago
A new whistleblowing helpline for employees to speak out about child protection failures has been officially launched.  The NSPCC will deliver this service, which includes a helpline & email support, on behalf of the Home Office.  The helpline, which will be open Monday to Friday, will handle calls from employees from any sector, who are afraid to raise concerns about the way their organisation is dealing with cases of child abuse, or who feel they have exhausted all avenues with their employer directly.
Researched Links:

Home Office launches child abuse whistleblowing helpline

We have been ‘whistling in the wind’ for a way to encourage this

Would all the child abuse, sexual exploitation & poor patient care still go on if they were rewarded and not ‘punished’?

While being ‘relentless in our search for the truth’, we must be careful to highlight any good practices

PM unveils tough new measures to tackle child sexual exploitation

Crime Prevention Minister announces mandatory reporting of FGM

IPCC statement - independent report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham

Rotherham child exploitation- Jay Report exposes local government and Ofsted failure

The Guardian:  Should whistleblowing teachers be given more protection

Get ready for CSSC Active Wellbeing Autumn (AWA)