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The UK’s Cyber Shield |
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has defended the UK against more than 600 cyber attacks in the past year – bringing the total number to almost 1,800, new figures show. The figures are contained in the NCSC’s third Annual Review, which also sets out the various ways the organisation has been protecting the public. This includes a pioneering operation to stop hundreds of thousands of people losing money to credit card fraud. Over the period of the review the NCSC has dealt with 658 incidents, which brings the total number to almost 1,800 since the Centre’s formation in 2016. A significant number of incidents continue to come from hostile nation states. In the most wide-ranging review yet produced by the NCSC, which is a part of GCHQ, significant disclosures include:
Elsewhere in the review, the key role the NCSC plays in protecting the democratic process is highlighted as well as the success of the Active Cyber Defence (ACD) Programme. ACD is the NCSC’s world-leading, bold, interventionist approach that stops millions of cyber attacks from ever happening. (See also: Active Cyber Defence (ACD) – NCSC ) ACD features a number of pioneering programmes, such as the Takedown Service, which finds malicious sites and sends notifications to the host to get them removed. Thanks to this service, 98% of phishing URLs discovered to be malicious were taken down, a total of 177,335 phishing URLs. Of those, 62.4% were removed in the first hour. There are also examples in the review of how the NCSC is helping defend individuals and families from the cyber threat, including via Operation Haulster. |
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NCSC defends nation against more than 600 cyber attacks NCSC: The NCSC Annual Review 2019 CO: Minister's speech at the NCSC Annual Review launch NCSC: UK and US intelligence exposes Turla group attack NCSC: Advisory: Turla group exploits Iranian APT to expand coverage of victims techUK: NCSC release Annual Review 2019 ScotGov: Government to spotlight cyber security Alert: Mass credential harvesting phishing campaign active in the UK Over half of charities hit by fraud knew the perpetrator, according to new research Advisory: Exim mail server vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities exploited in VPN products used worldwide The easy way to stop your online accounts getting hacked First threat assessment for universities produced by the NCSC NCSC advice to organisations to mitigate against DoS attacks Advice for users of Huawei enterprise equipment Second CyberThreat summit announced by the NCSC and SANS Institute Cyber strategy update shows how UK intelligence is thwarting attack Global Cyber Alliance Toolkit for Small Business Small businesses given support to bounce back from cyber attacks NCSC advice following WhatsApp vulnerability Alert: Microsoft SharePoint remote code vulnerability Step one to secure IoT devices; Change the manufacturer’s default password Proactive action to make the internet more secure ‘Worrying’; considering SME are the ‘backbone of the economy NCSC; Is your business ‘at risk’? It can happen to any computer system at any time PDNS: Mandatory Active Cyber Defence for Public Sector Networks. Latest Guide |