WGPlus (Archive)

They know ‘How to’, but many lack judgement/knowledge of the risk & dangers

95% of children in Wales aged 7 to 15 use the internet at home, a new report shows.  The Education Secretary Kirsty Williams has announced that online safety will remain a key priority for the Welsh Government with an extensive programme to enhance online safety practice in schools over the next two years, to continue to support young people to stay safe online.

Last month the Cabinet Secretary for Education launched the Online Safety Zone on Hwb, the digital learning platform for schools in Wales.  The Online Safety Zone provides young people, teachers, parents and governors with access to a wide range of bilingual online safety materials.

WAG is also supporting Operation Netsafe (a pan-Wales campaign led by South Wales Police in partnership with the Lucy Faithful Foundation), which aims to stop the creation, viewing & sharing of indecent images of children online.
Researched Links:

WAG:  Online Safety remains a key priority as internet use rises

And here is another area of ‘digital concern’

Online Safety Zone on Hwb

Operation Net Safe – Tackling online child sexual abuse & exploitation

Lucy Faithfull Foundation Child protection charity Child Sexual Abuse

NCSC:  Schoolgirls beat 8,000 rivals to qualify for grand final of national CyberFirst girls' challenge

NCSC:  Girls impress judges in national final of cyber security contest

Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide