WGPlus (Archive)

We are really just starting to appreciate the size of the problem

The CQC have published a new report detailing the findings from their comprehensive inspections of specialist mental health services over the last 3 years.

State of care in mental health services 2014 to 2017 captures learning from their inspections & findings from their role monitoring use of the Mental Health Act, as well as analysis of data from other sources. This rich resource of information means CQC now know more about the quality of mental health care than ever before.
Researched Links:

CQC reports on the quality of specialist mental health care in England

NHS Confed:  Mental Health Network response to CQC State of care in mental health services report

National Ombudsmen responds to CQC's Mental Health Services report

Cash boost call for mental health nursing by Unite

Facing a lifetime with mental health issues!

Prevention requires real action not just action plans

The ‘caseload may be bigger than we think’

For so long the ‘Cinderella’ service of the NHS

Hope the funding is there to facilitate the implementation

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