WGPlus (Archive)

Will the sun shine on your bid? 
Creative coastal entrepreneurs can now bid for a share of £90m government funding available UK-wide over the next 4 years to support their plans to reel in jobs and revitalise our much-loved seaside areas.  Since 2012, the government has invested over £120m in seaside areas through a dedicated Coastal Communities Fund.  Grants of between £50,000 and £4m are available.  Bids for the latest round in England will close on 30 June 2016.  Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland applicants should prepare bids now for when their applications will open in early July.
Researched Links:

DCMS:  £90m boost for the Great British Coast

Scenic sight restorations set to boost Great British Coast staycations

8 seaside communities receive extra funding to create jobs

Iconic coastal heritage sites set for £3 million makeover

Coastal Communities Fund promotes over 10,000 jobs, training places and apprenticeships

New coastal teams to create jobs, bring business and help local economies thrive

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