Readers please note that:

Not all items published in the last week are listed for each news source, but note that when you click on an item, scrolling down it will also display the last 7 day’s items for that channel (if item clicked on has less than 10 articles in that period, then the last 10 articles will be displayed regardless of date)

A news source may be listed in more than one section if the different items cover different topics (ex.; ScotGov may be listed in General …. & Health, …. & Policy….  & Consultation  …. & ICT …. and Business …… sections

We will try to ensure that we list at least one item per news source (if they have published any in the past week) 

Editor’s choice of other ICT items of note:

DCMS:  UK South Africa Joint Announcement – Commonwealth Digital Connectivity Agenda

PC&PE:  Identity system is ‘textbook case’ of programme management failure

GeoPlace:  Bringing location to life

ICO statement on TPP SystmOne changes

ICO:  Organisations should be doing more to achieve privacy accountability

Unlike in many areas of the private sector, the financial year-end in the public sector can have serious repercussions for the public sector, particularly ICT and technology teams. Come April 1st, resource requirements will have been reviewed, projects assessed and budgets for the coming year allocated. And public sector IT Directors who haven’t used up their piece of the pie before the year rolls over will almost certainly experience cuts in the months to come.

This can not only hinder projects and plans, but also a teams’ ability to work with the most advanced, future-ready technologies. To avoid losing out in the next financial year, it’s crucial to finish the current one strongly. That means utilising budget, shifting projects on the back burner to the front, and working with providers to get new, exciting technologies brought into your department when they become available, to help realise greater cost efficiencies and productivity gains in to the new year.

This helpful eGuide takes a look at how public sector Directors can utilise any unspent budget to make the most of the financial year-end before it happens, how to get projects going and what technology will be making the difference to the sector in the coming years.

It also covers the five things every public sector Director can do to ensure they’re ready for financial year-end. or organisation, when compared to the private sector or other areas of the public sector that have modernised.

Download the eGuide now to help maximise budget in your new financial year.

Find out more and download now

Editor’s choice of other Health, Social care & Homelessness related items of note:

DHSC:  PHE launches 'Cervical Screening Saves Lives' campaign

NHS England publishes guidance on Flash Glucose Monitors for Type 1 diabetes patients

NHS Digital:  Pharmacies now able to dispense controlled drugs via Electronic Prescription Service

ScotGov:  Mental health care for new mums

WAG:  Free sanitary products to be offered to patients in NHS Wales

Reform:  How A.I. Could Save Your Sight

NICE: Research that saves lives

Homeless Link:  Modern slavery & homelessness

Editor’s choice of other Business / Commercial items of note:

BEIS:  New legal measures to protect workers from misuse of non-disclosure agreements

BEIS:  SMEs to have easier access to government contracts with action plan to level playing field

BEIS:  New plans to help next generation of young entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality

Defra:  Seasonal workers pilot opens

EHRC:  Employers fear using positive action to close disability, ethnicity & gender pay gaps

RLA:  Right to Rent DOES breach human rights, rules High Court

HM Land Registry:  Complying with a restriction

FCA introduces final rules on the Directory of financial services workers

TUC: Workers in the UK put in more than £32bn worth of unpaid overtime last year

SME Supplier Locator update...

UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. 

Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers.

Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:

Lodestone Communications

Click here to find out more.

Editor’s choice of other Policy & General items of note:

MoD:  Enhanced package of support for Gurkha veterans

PC&PE:  MoD makes little progress with reforming civilian workforce

EHRC:  New guidance clarifies that a power of attorney can be used for voter registration

EHRC:  Antisemitism in the Labour Party: our response to complaints

STFC:  Using space know-how to 'sniff' out salad quality

Home Office:  Crowd safety app to launch following Home Office funding

HO:  Explaining the motivations for accessible design

HO:  Government unveils commitments to tackle abuse against men

MHCLG:  New rules to better protect renters' money

DWP:  End to unnecessary benefit reassessments for disabled pensioners

DfT:  Long-lasting repairs to stop potholes

MoJ:  Facial recognition technology to help in fight against prison drug trafficking

HMRC warns of landline scams threatening households

IFS:  Creative arts degrees cost taxpayers 30% more than engineering degrees


 More contributions to the Brexit process

Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’:

Researched Links:

GOV. UK – Brexit

Latest Documents

GOV.UK Brexit Search

BEIS:  Intellectual Property Minister speaks of the importance of ensuring UK IP remains some of the best in the world

10DS:  Workers' rights to be protected in UK law

DIT:  UK's new trade remedies system comes into force

MHCLG:  £1.6bn Stronger Towns Fund launched

Defra:  Fish exporters urged to register now to use new digital exports services

Defra:  Seasonal workers pilot opens

DfT:  Air services to the EU

DfT:  Flights protected in no deal Brexit scenario

PC&PE:  EU Committee draws special attention to UK/Ireland social security agreement

FCA:  BoE & FCA Authority agree MoUs with EIOPA and EU insurance supervisors

ESMA to recognise the UK Central Securities Depository in the event of a no-deal Brexit

ECB & BoE activate currency swap arrangement for possible provision of euro to UK banks

EIOPA and its Members agree on No-deal Brexit MoU with the Bank of England and the FCA

Railway safety & connectivity with the UK in the event of a no-deal Brexit – Council agrees its position

ESMA sets out its approach to several MiFID II/MiFIR and BMR provisions under a no-deal Brexit

ScotGov:  Future of fisheries in Scotland

NIESR analysis ahead of the Spring Statement: ‘Monetary & fiscal policy as the Brexit countdown begins’

OE:  Is a 21-month Article 50 extension really in the interests of Brexiteers?

OE: France and Germany set to tilt EU competition policy

OE: Emmanuel Macron launches EU election campaign by calling for “European renewal”

RLA:  Brexit – are we any further forward?

B4B:  How would you like your savings to bail out Europe’s bust banks?

B4B:  Political Ideology Trumps Free Trade

B4B:  Legal Advice on the Irish Backstop

B4B:  The Mystery Surrounding GATT Article XXIV. The Crash-Proof Exit Option

B4B:  What Should the UK Do Now?

B4B:  Treaty Between the UK & NI and the EU for Defence, Security & Intelligence Cooperation

B4B:  Suella Braverman MP, tells BfB why Brexit is a liberation from a failing EU economy

B4B:  The Students fighting for Brexit

B4B:  Letter to A Remainer Friend:  The Seduction and Corruption of Our Elites

B4B:   Four “pathetic fallacies” of the Remainers

Please choose from the links below to view individual sections of interest:
Civil Service
Latest Articles

International Women’s Day – achieving #BalanceForBetter in the Civil Service
International Women’s Day – achieving #BalanceForBetter in the Civil Service

Government Chief People Officer Rupert McNeil looks at progress towards balanced gender representation in the Civil Service.

Blaze a trail with National Apprenticeship Week
Blaze a trail with National Apprenticeship Week
Sarah Bishop, Head of the Government Apprenticeship Strategy Team, urges departments to think big and create more apprenticeships.

Civil Service Careers website: the first 6 months
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The 'A Brilliant Civil Service' Awards turn two
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